Guitar Gloves.

Yeah.. They trap heat.. But at the same time, they're absorbent as well..
My palms sweat a lot, and on top of that the sweat would trickle to my fingers..
So the gloves are there to contain the sweating, and I would wipe my own fingers on the gloves..
If you don't get it, fine.. We all go on with our lives.. It works for me, and I had to go through great lengths to find the perfect gloves that won't look too fashionable, etc..
wow.. u really really idolise synester gates huh.

Yes,i idolise Synyster Gates,but please note that if i ever get a pair of fingerless gloves,it's to contain my sweaty palms and NOT to look like any guitarist out there,be it Synyster Gates or whoever.We clear on this?

Sorry if i sound too aggressive.
lol those surgical gloves. i can imagine the amount of friction if you try sliding with those gloves on. unelss you cut the tip off. and i doubt surgical gloves are gonna help in absorbing sweat :P

i have sweaty palms when i play also but i dun really care haha i just have my fun then wipe the guitar down after that :x though the strings dun last that long cos of it lol.
I'm interested to know how this helps because I have sweaty palms and if this idea was even a tad logical, I might actually try it out.. ..again (not that I haven't)

What gloves are actually good for this? I assume those surgical / lab gloves was a joke...
hahaha i hope nobody takes the surgical gloves seriously either. but it would be interesting if someone could play proficiently with those gloves on xD
erm, you could try weight training or biking gloves, they have cotton palms and are pretty thin so they'll aid in sliding ard without much resistance.

generally tho, the folks that i knw have sweaty palms while playing actually use abit of cloth, on thier hand, somehow just sticks to it, get like a palm sized cloth, pref a guitar cleaning cloth, and cut it to fit your hand, once u start sweating, just put it on the palm, seems to just stick on, and wont afferct anything
eh i see herman ri wearing some ring thingy, where to buy ah? i only know he wears it donno anyone else.......
AGAIN, a deviated thread.

Ok... Gloves. Impedes your left hand (fretting) because the leather is grippy, and on loacquered necks, it'll stick to the neck. Also, the neds of the finger bits tend to mute your high E string because they're too thick.

On your right hand (picking hand), the thumb bit will mute the string after you pick it, so it kills your note. Also, try palm muting with a glove. cannot feel shit man...

Best cure for swaety palms? Go see your doc.
AGAIN, a deviated thread.

Ok... Gloves. Impedes your left hand (fretting) because the leather is grippy, and on loacquered necks, it'll stick to the neck. Also, the neds of the finger bits tend to mute your high E string because they're too thick.

On your right hand (picking hand), the thumb bit will mute the string after you pick it, so it kills your note. Also, try palm muting with a glove. cannot feel shit man...

Best cure for swaety palms? Go see your doc.

Gee,really?I haven't tried yet,but whut you said made me think twice about trying now....

try this. should be gao lak enough

and drink brewed green tea at night; supposed to have Astringent properties to reduce sweaty palms.

gloves will have restrictions on your playing. i have sweaty palms too at times. i notice it helps a lot when i turn on the fan and face it to my guitar fretboard
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haha just kidding la guys i already know what the hot hand is...just wanna illustrate the point that since my guitar hero, Mr Herman Ri wears one, i must get one! :D :lol: