Guitar Distortion - help me select a good distortion?


New member
Hi, i'm still new in guitaring, and i'm currently using an LTD AX-50 and the distortion i have is just a Boss Metal zone, From what i see is that u need a distortion to pull off a pitch harmonic, yet when i use my metal zone, i still couldn't pull it off right, so do i need a new distortion? if so which is preferable?
a pinch harmonic can be pulled of on an acoustic guitar or a clean electric guitar too. it depends alot on your technique.
id say practice more first before you buy a new distortion.

the mt2 has more than enough gain to emphasize on the harmonics.

btw, there are more factors to it than just the pedal. amps, guitar, pickups play a huge part too.
setting the tone at higher value will help.

also using bridge pickup instead of neck pickup will help.

and of course, technique si the most important factor of all.
Yeah, technique is the most important. My ex-guitar teacher could do it on an acoustic, which was, whoa. Anyway, the Metal Zone should have enough gain for the harmonics to sound out, it is imo the most high gain of distortions (being a pedal for metal music).