Guitar Cable

bill lawrence solderless cables and plugs.

buy one set and share or use all by your self.

cut, push in and screw on. Easy as ABC.

Crystal clear as good as George L's.

One minor thing is its quite thin physically, around 1/2 to 1/3 the diameter of your regular cables. But that doesn't mean that its 1/2 or 1/3 as durable.
I had some Monster Cable and Spectrafelx cables but i lost two of them earlier this year cause i forgot to take them home after one of the gigs at StreetFest. i had them as backup cause i was using my wireless. stupid right? can't believe i lost them. bah!

Spectraflex is the best cable that i've used so far. ultra durable, really transparent sound, much better than Monster, although Monster was pretty decent. so now i've switched to Canare; ultrathin, custom-length boutique cable. i intend to replace all my current patch cables with Canare patches cut to the length i need so everything is neat and orderly on my pedalboard.

it's true, your sound is only as good as your weakest link. why spend thousands and thousands on having a great amp and great guitars and pedals, and then let a stupid $1.50 cable bring you down?
irishblue said:
not sure... i threw the box away already. should be the cheapest among the planet wave cables lol 20-30 bucks if I don't rem wrongly. one side is a straight jack, other side is an angled one (90deg).

the 90deg head goes into your guitar. unless u have a jack that's in a position where the 90deg head cant fit properly. like most fender guitars where the jack is at the front. those u gotta fit the straight head in. anyway, doesnt really matter i guess...

serial ninja: wow. u've got a big cashflow going. donate a cable to me!
CrispyEgg said:
the 90deg head goes into your guitar. unless u have a jack that's in a position where the 90deg head cant fit properly. like most fender guitars where the jack is at the front. those u gotta fit the straight head in. anyway, doesnt really matter i guess...

serial ninja: wow. u've got a big cashflow going. donate a cable to me!

I fit my angled head into my P-bass. 8O
think he meant fender "guitars" esp those of the STRAT and TELE varieties... most angled plugs don't go well with them.