Guess..which track is programmed and which is not?

strings and drums are programmed. actually it sounds like all are programmed. the bass sounds a little too muddy to be programmed though.
actually dont really know what you're asking specifically.

let me rephrase your question.

Are you asking us to differenciate which of the tracks are Sequenced?

Becuse only the drums is the dead giveaway.

other than that, the bass and the synth can be both recorded or sequenced...
sequenced is the term to use rather than it Seekz?

or is it the way i phrased the question?

'which track is sequenced?' and 'which track is programmed?'..they dont have the same meaning? i dont understand...

or maybe i should use proper english like 'which of the tracks are programmed?' is dat it seekz?

anyway...Yes..i am asking u guys to differentiate which of the tracks are sequenced.. :p
it's hard to tell lar

honestly, today, there's almost noway to say for sure if anything's recorded live or programmed / sequenced. even live acoustic drums can be emulated with software.

just my 2 cents.
sure or not?..u guys confident with ur guess? :roll:

yeah thanks lowjk for the advice..i applied too much reverb.. :wink:
Drums: all quantized and at the same velocity - definitely sequenced.
Bass: all quantized and also at the same velocity - definitely sequenced.
Keyboard strings: the only one that can be either played live or quantized. But does not really matter since one can record midi "live" playing into a sequencer with makes it sounds "live", but by definition, it is still sequenced. Still, I believe it is sequenced for a few reasons:
1. they also sound quantized (a bit more difficult to distinguish than the other instruments because of the decay)
2. the jarring high "G" was sequenced to fade off followed almost immediately by the C chord with volume adjusted to a higher level - definitely need sequencing to do that.

The difficult question to ask is: are the strings played or programmed note by note (both still defined as sequencing when recorded into a sequencer). My thinking is probably note by note programming because the chords are held at complete full value (4 counts). When played, we usually don't do that especially when the triad chords are in root position and jump quite a bit in intervals - unless of course you use the sustain pedal.

So they are all sequenced.