Guess what i saw in my kitchen

hahaha yeah i say kill em all...

anyhoos, i've asked alot of people this question and no one has been able to answer me...

First of all, im terrified of frogs and lizards...but i eat frogs legs...but i will NEVER EVEEEEER eat a fried/boiled/baked lizard.

I can't explain it.

What's the different? frogs are gross too! Especially when you go to a zhi-char stall and u see them sitting in a tank waiting to be killed..but eating them, i can deal with that..lizard?? NO WAY IN HELL!

Any shrinks in the house? 8O
I like eating frogs! They call 'em 'field chickens". But I haven't heard of anybody eating lizards. Esp. house lizards. Not hygenic, are they?
Are lizards even edible? =\ Frogs legs are yummy. I went to a frog farm once and I saw the mass slaughtering of frogs but I still think frog legs are yummy =D
what if they bred them to be eaten, like the frogs..?

would you?

i don't understand how i can be terrfied of frogs but eat them anyways but not the lizards..
I dun think all frogs can be eaten. Only a certain type. There are poisonous varieties too. But lizards...what's there to eat? Not much meat also...
the slaughtering of frogs cannot be forgiven...esp those arowana hobbyists...feed live abosolut cruelty
you're missing my point.

my point is:
im terrified of ALL kinds of frogs. but i will eat frogs.
im terrified of lizards. but (if they could be eaten) i wouldn't eat them.

I cant explain it.
I think consumers should eat the whole frog wherever there's meat instead of just the leg. or else its kinda like eating sharks fins...cut off one part and waste the rest...that's cruelty too.

If they're bred under a controlled environment, like chickens and pigs, I would still eat. But if they're like wild games, I won't cos you might exterminate an entire species if that goes on long enough...
point taken. I still wont order sharks fin..

but my theory is, if its aalready in front of me, i would, or else it died for nothing. But i refuse to order it.

but i still wont eat lizards! heheh
But that wud mean you'd always have to eat with somebody, isn't it? Or else you'd still have to order something... :lol:

Nah, forget about eating lizards. You guys are grossing yourselves out for nothing. Go to Carl's Jr. Burger. Great stuff there.
HEY HEY HEY this post is about the strong-will roach in my kitchen and NOW! you guy are talking about.. eating.. bugs and frogs.. and watever. Lizards.. aww aint they cute. AHAHAHAHAHA. i'm so evil. Look at those lovely doovy eyes.. and those long tounge. OKOK i'm so gross.. i think i actually evolve from a frog or lizard.. i have long tounge. :smt064