Green Day is 1/4 Eyeliner,3/4 ROCK & ROLL!!!


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Hi,guys!I thought that this would be the best place to post this thread since it's all about guitar & gear!
I wanna learn electric guitar this holidays,and I'm going to go pick up some gear in about a weeks time.My greatest influence to pick up guitar is none other that Billie Joe from Green Day(I would play air-guitar like how he does live.Still do sometimes,don't laugh,LOL!:twisted:),so I thought I'd get gear to sound like Green Day!:mrgreen:
I'm thinking of getting guitars with humbucker pickups,as humbuckers seem to handle distortion better.And I'll probably get a good amp with distortion.I'm not sure about pedals,cos' only Jason White uses pedals,playing lead guitar & solo stuff and Billie Joe plays only rhythm live.Hmmm,but what say if I wanna play lead...?Is it safer to get pedals for effects?Like in BOBD,Holiday,etc.
Anyways,are there any value-for-money,cheaper Les Paul copies out there with humbuckers?And good amps that give good distortion???Don't know much about pedals!:confused:
There was a thread on this before. Go look it up here.

Or I'll just link you later if you still can't find it.
seems like theres a mad rush to get gear over the holidays huh, everyone seems to be friggin asking the same damned question over and over again, y cant all those who are planning to start playing or spending just post on the same thread and at least up the friggin budget if u want a good guitar, 500 would prob only afford a nice pedal and beginner guitar with no amp.

green day is more like 5/8 green and 3/8 day.
Epiphone Les Paul Jr, BJ uses a Gibson version, so its fairly close if you want it to be as authentic as possible. Otherwise a Epi Les Paul Special 2 would be a good starting choice. A roland cube 15x or peavy Vypyr 15 will suffice ur needs for a good amp with effects like Delay(Holiday)/Tremolo(BOBD).
Haha!!Guess cos' holidays = Spend money!!!Anyways,squirrel,can I have a link to this thread you're talking about???I can't seem to find anything about gear on "Green Day".:(

Hmm,penta-tonic,what kind of pedals do I need?Actually,I'm thinking I'll skip distortion pedals if I get distortion from my amp.Then maybe get pedals for other effects?Don't know,not really sure about pedal & effects!!:confused:
It does.....
OMG!!AMAZING PIC,LOL!Hmm,do they still manufacture these?Because Epiphone's site doesn't seem to have Juniors on the menu,and Swee Lee doesn't sell Junior stand-alones...
Theys should be around 200 odd. Nowdays they only sell them in package as they are real cheap actually. I would recommend the special 2 over the jr, but since you like green day.........
Theys should be around 200 odd. Nowdays they only sell them in package as they are real cheap actually. I would recommend the special 2 over the jr, but since you like green day.........

OMG,NO,don't think of it that way.I like their sound and all,but I don't neccessarily need matching guitars.I just want gear that I can play on that will sound something like them.You know?Like,if they got humbuckers on,I'd want something with humbuckers too.Appearance-wise,don't have to be completely like them.What's more,the Special II and the LP Junior more or less the same in terms of appearance!
id recommend something like the MI Audio crunchbox, unless ure thinking of spending thousands on a nice tube amp with good drive, i dont recommend relying on amp distortion.
Hi,I'd recommend:
Guitar - Rally GL-300/400 Les Paul Copies
AMP - Roland Cube 15X
Pedals - Well,if you're getting modded amps,don't get pedals for the same effects,cos' modded amps + multi effects = FAIL Sound.

Total shouldn't cost you more than $800.Good luck!:mrgreen:
OMG,NO,don't think of it that way.I like their sound and all,but I don't neccessarily need matching guitars.I just want gear that I can play on that will sound something like them.You know?Like,if they got humbuckers on,I'd want something with humbuckers too.Appearance-wise,don't have to be completely like them.What's more,the Special II and the LP Junior more or less the same in terms of appearance!

Special 2 has 2 humbuckers, jr has only 1 humbucker thats the main difference. Otherwise I recommend Rally les pauls, They are cheap and good. Otherwise, I think it is best you go used if you want something better.
As for the amp, you can just get a Roland cube 15 or something. That's what i used when i first started out and i played Blink182 and Greenday stuff with the amp's built in effects.

For boulevard of broken dreams, you'll need a tremolo. But unless you're gonna use i for other songs, i'd suggest you skip getting that because it doesn't make sense to spend that much money on a pedal just to play a specific song. A lot of people also give up learning guitar and lose a large sum of money selling the guitar package away.
Mmmm...I think I'm going to get the Rally guitars also...2 humbucker pickups,and the headstock looks more Gibson-y.Price is also really attractive.:-D
Erm,then I got a question about the Roland Cubes.You see the Roland Cubes come in 15x,20x,30x right?I thought the only difference is in the watt of the amps,as in the volume that the amp can reach.But then pictures of the Roland 15x,20x and 30x's controls seem to differ in terms of effects.
for eg.the Roland 15X only got Metal Stack,Metal,Overdrive and Distortion and of course the Clean Channel.Then the 20x has effects added on,and also something about tube drive and acoustic simulator.And the 30x comes with something called Dyna-Amp mode.Omg,are they just trying to get you to buy the more expansive one?Is the Dyna-Amp worth the difference between the 20x and 30x?If not,I think I'm getting the 20x,it comes with at least some effects to play around with,while still maintaining the 15x's settings.
Btw,prolly not getting pedals.Will use distortion from amps.:mrgreen:
I do believe that BJ used a cheap Fernandes Strat copy with a humbucker at the bridge during the early days..Dookie era...mid 90s..:)
The Dyna-amp is a simulated amplifer model. Basically, when you play soft, you get cleaner sounds, and if you play harder, you will get a more distorted/overdrived sound.
Therefore, I suggest you head down to sweelee and try them both yourself, see which suits your needs more.
I do believe that BJ used a cheap Fernandes Strat copy with a humbucker at the bridge during the early days..Dookie era...mid 90s..:)

Lol.Humbucker is the keyword.:cool:

Hmm,so Dyna-Amp more or less amplifies whatever you are trying to get...If you want distortion it gives you more,if you want clean,it makes it cleaner...Anyone here a happy owner of the Cube 20X?I wanna hear your opinions!:mrgreen:
Btw,the 30x also has some weird,options....Black Panel,Brit Combo and it's got me lost....Do I really need all these and the Dyna-Amp?I think the Cube 20X is more value-for-money!!
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