Gr3y Custom Mods DS1


New member
alrite guys.. i've finally managed to mod my DS-1 nicely IMO
now i need some feedbacks from you guys! :lol:

Jem Jr -> Ds-1 -> TB25R -> Dynamic mic -> Harddisk
Pics of how my recording is done n the relevant settings you might 1 2 noe..


The led is change to superbright white.

The recording setup

Well the lousy microphone is juz a cheap old dynamic mic.. guess it does reduce the clarity of my clips a little.. wait till i gt $ to buy a gd condenser..

The Ibanez ToneBlaster 25R's setting when recording the clips

Still love this amp alot!

The Ibanez Jem Jr

The humbuckers are all dimazio evo pups.great tone! but i still need a good bridge.. any1 got a gd 2nd hand gotoh? :p

Here are the sound clips..
Bluesy is recorded with neck pups..

Feedback is recorded wif bridge pups 4m away from my amp! even at 4m, the gain is higher than stock than allows the feedback to come in..(abit slow though) check the bass difference!

Shortshred is recorded with bridge pups this clip.. actually it doesnt really sound like what i hear direct from my amp...the mic removes the other vibration i heard in my room n leaving only the original noise i made.. :lol: which is erm.. quite bad..

Ok my mod is done in a way that i need more bass tone compared to the stock..thus resulting in the tone you are hearing.. might still continue to mod it to another level :twisted:
but till then.. i'm happy wif the tone i got now :D

Do give me your opinion about it and if there are good and bad points please point out.

the bass sounds pretty tight eh??

and yes the bass is more

anyway great work!

and i love that BRIGHT LED!
namle said:
the bass sounds pretty tight eh??

and yes the bass is more

anyway great work!

and i love that BRIGHT LED!

Yeah i love that white bulb on my pedal

ChanMin said:
erm... dunno why... but it sounds really grainy and buzzy... issit your settings?

8O i'm nt too sure.. care to explain more? :?
there is this hiss surrounding your guitar sound. and the guitar sound is kinda harsh/dry/scratchy. The shred tone sounded very very scooped - too scooped. maybe its a eqing problem could try upping the mids and lowering the treble
it prolly be the mic. the hiss is prolly caused by your mic input. try to unclick the 25db boost in the mic settings. or use an interface like a tone port or sumthing. might help, i had the hiss problem recording to comp before.

the graininess is inherent in the ds1, plus your using a toneblaster which doesnt help.

you dun really need a condenser mic, you would need phamtom power for it unless you have a mic that can use external power or you have a mixer board that has phamtom power. Shure SM57s or 58s are good enough and wont break your wallet if your interested.
tany said:
maybe u just record from ur effects direct to the comp? would be much clearer

i tried.. its worse! lol

yeah mayb it cld b my mic or juz e ds1.Is my tb25r reali so bad?
ciel said:
the toenblaster is not renown for its tonal properties, lets put it at that

in fact i thought ibanez was never known for its amps? only guitars and the tubescreamer! haha but i'm still using this lousy amp also. not really looking for a new one for now, since i'm shifting soon and no space lol.

but if i can, i would want a marshall amp. not considering any now. lol i love efx
wat's lo-fi sound art?

but my amp is just practise lah. i think the true sound comes out when i go to fourtones and beat merchants! hahaha

there's only so much to tweak in a DS1.

If it works for you Chanmin, great! Will you record solely with that?
notice that the mic is too close, bro move it back a bit or point it to the corner of the amp...see how it goes
..cut the distortion level and up the mid on the amp...the tone shld improve..:)
tany said:
ciel said:
the toenblaster is not renown for its tonal properties, lets put it at that

in fact i thought ibanez was never known for its amps? only guitars and the tubescreamer! haha but i'm still using this lousy amp also. not really looking for a new one for now, since i'm shifting soon and no space lol.

but if i can, i would want a marshall amp. not considering any now. lol i love efx

hey i aiming for marshall oso! next time we go bargain 2gether at davis? :lol: