Goose Citrus! TGP? WOW


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Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Los Angeles
Posts: 69

Still compressor hunting...
I've got a Carl Martin Compressor, and while I like it, I find it kind of a pain and have never been quite comfortable with it. I don't plan on selling it, but I'd like to try something else. In general I'd rather have transparent than squishy. After much internet perusing I've found some cool compressors I'd like to get some feedback on. Hopefully you've tried more than one of these and can make a comparison:

1. Barber Tone Press (seems to be a favorite)
2. FXEngineering Mirage RAF
3. Goosoniqueworx Citrus
4. EH Black Finger

A couple others might be the AYA R-Comp and the CAE V-Comp. Less so would be the Keeley and the Bi-Comp I think.

Any takers?"

Goose bro, you're on the list, the guy is from LA!

Edder first, now goose, SG made pedals are da bomb.
ed bruddah, why not you make your pedals come with a 1-year waiting list.

like this then the ang mor on teegeepee sure zua you with orders until you peng san ;)
*takes a bow

he had a thread earlier asking about compressors and i put him onto the citrus....its a bloody brilliant compressor
heh, if tgp never mentioned, does that mean singa made pedal not da bomb??
No lah, as in like. Its an achievement i guess, being considered by an overseas customer. Id think its a good start. Maybe its time for me to buy local products. LOL
woah, lan dey, talk until so much liao, you mean still havent try out the stuff that our friends been doing locally for the past years?

heh, its like the locale chinese singer that need to go based in taiwan for a while and make a name before can come back locale for people to accept siah

i recommend kelly poon shakalaka baby, the lastest 2nd album from our own sg girl!
woah, lan dey, talk until so much liao, you mean still havent try out the stuff that our friends been doing locally for the past years?

heh, its like the locale chinese singer that need to go based in taiwan for a while and make a name before can come back locale for people to accept siah

i recommend kelly poon shakalaka baby, the lastest 2nd album from our own sg girl!


no! Guo Mei Mei latest ah lian techno is better! more irritating so its BETTAH!!!! :twisted:
Maybe i should post my stuff in TGP rather than here, since all the acknowledgements and merits come from there. It's all about being the internet hero! ;)
but......i'm only a ching! what do i know about tone and gear? I donch belong to the rovepedale crub too :(
Wah ed ... 6 posts on two pages ... you must be excited abt the Citrus pedal huh??:rolleyes:
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brother Goo, just wondering, are you able to make a citrus with a tone control that allows me to dial in treble?

most compressors don't work for me as they usually reduce brightness and affect my rig's ability to cut tru the mix when i turn them up.

so far only the boss CS3 has a tone control that works for me, but the sound quality leaves much to be desired.

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