Good earphones?

With your budget range, the two earphones I would recommend to you are the Creative EP630 at $45, and the Sonic Gear earphones at +-30, I'm not sure of the price. I haven't seen the price, but I've heard my friend's. I use the 630s as my alternative earphones to wear to sleep, because I don't exactly want to roll around wearing my Ultimate Ears.

Both Creative and Sonic Gear are on the bassy side. Like many have recommended, go try it out to find out for yourself. We can all recommend you millions of products but we can never hear music as you do. Borrow from your friends if they have it, and find what you like best. Good luck :)
Does anyone know how much does a Grado SR-60 cost?
I heard there's a shop at Adelphi. But would like to know the price before heading to the place.
InfernoxDeath: I used to got mine for $120.

langsuir, what kind of a sound are you expecting from a good pair of in-ears? Clarity? Bass? Mids? Soundstage?