
Wow... you guys are stil awake... I am not too sure what was deleted as I was reading the thread, came back to main page. James then had juz posted...

Not too sure what I miss also.. Anyway if it was some kinda words, it could have been juz edited... Deleting posts cannot educate people on what is right/wrong. Instead a reason muz be put in that portion after deletion/editing...

I also agree that forums should not be too regimental. Almost always, a fun forum generates more traffic, etc... More traffic usually is contributed by quick, fun, no-serious posts... If everyone posts seriously, then traffic would definitely be reduced, cos the others wouldnt dare to post somethign that is considered not-serious... And traffic is important for a site if there is a biz agenda...

Juz my 2 cents... Correct me if i'm wrong...

Also and at times, I see some old birds who almost always post those unempathizing post when people asks qns... If cannot ask qns, then the forum is redundant alr... 8)
GuitarNoob, can you recall what was in your post that i deleted? you mentioned that i should delete the other nonsense post too? i wish i can spend more time looking through the forum and delete them but there is only 1 me.

vegecrackers, i delete post that i feel will somehow diminish goal of promoting a good music community in SOFT.

unsane, the number of post that i delete is propotional to the increase in number of ridiculous post.

i would like to see SOFT as a useful resource for music makers than just causal merry makers.

being serious is an understatement.
madmonkeykungfu, you keep posting "care bear". would you like to explain abit what it means?
soft said:
unsane, the number of post that i delete is propotional to the increase in number of ridiculous post.

yes,by simple logic i'm aware of that. perhaps you would like to state your definition of "ridiculous" posts. i seem to notice quite a disparity in your moderation standards. just look at the skawerkz thread, i don't see blatant childish bickering being deleted. let's party after GCE's thread, a useless waste of forum resources given its size. metal wars thread, fast becoming a spammy chatroom.

hardly what i'd consider a useful resource for music makers now is it?
cut james some slack here. i'm sure he would moderate those threads if he could. again, he's a 1 man show.

james - maybe you would like to rethink as to how to make soft more music oriented. i think you do realise that recent postings have hardly been about music. Talking about which guitar is better isn't particularly music-oriented while it's useful to musicians sometimes.

perhaps you would like to just let the Kopitiam section be for anything, and restructure the music oriented ones as "other music stuff".

that's some thoughts off the top of my head.
xspace said:
Also and at times, I see some old birds who almost always post those unempathizing post when people asks qns... If cannot ask qns, then the forum is redundant alr... 8)

Thats because ppl don't bother to look at the stickies. More often than not, the stickies have the answers. Its better to knock the newbies around first, then they realise that the stickies exist.

In anycase, yeah, cut James some slack. He definately did his part to moderate SOFT but he can't please everyone. He missed out some seemingly redundant thread/post? Oh suck it up and move on, or bring it up to James via PM.

And if SOFT is "less fun" because of the "regimentation" for a more music-inclined forum, I don't see why you need to come here then. SOFT is for music related stuff, if you wanna talk about other things, other forums are available for that, no need to hang around here to post unrelated things.
Define music related only Mr cow. So if someone posts jokes or stupid dumb questions about music, it's acceptable here? It is, afterall, music related right? Point is, u cannot stop people from posting stuff like that here. It's a public forum. I see james putting in so much effort, but to no avail. Stupid dumb posts still keep popping up. And the moderators.. Have not some people here been appointed? What are they doing to keep such posts like these out of the forum? As far as I see, nothing much. So don't tell people to suck it up and move on.
Care Bear: a term used for servers in MMORPG which do not allow PVP (Player VS Player), mostly for amateur gamers who just started out or fags/wussies

many little pickles have been moderated or deleted here, aint this forum carebear? Treating the thread posters like kids.

I think if a thread gets out of hand it should be locked, but posts should never be deleted as if they were never there. That is blatant escapism. The world aint no disneyland.

In all seriousness, if not for the fact that I can ocassionally read and know about some updates(from the contributors) in the local music scene here, I wouldn't give a crap about this big carebear. is gay and metaltronic is a flamepit, we should strike a balance between the 2.

my 0.02
vegecrackers, there are NO moderator. But there are users who help me by looking out for post or thread that is unsuitable.

So if someone posts jokes or stupid dumb questions about music, it's acceptable here?
We will have to see what is the balance. Is it more towards the music or more towards the "stupid dumb".

While we question about the why things are not done in a specific way to suite our liking, do we think about how so many things are done to cater our needs?

GuitarNoob, thanks for sending me the PM. I deleted your post because it was referencing to the other post that i have deleted. your post would look weird when other users see it without the deleted post.