Gibson Les Paul Standard

The prices here are really crazy... anyway for under 6k I got myself a Historic '57 Black beauty (2PU) direct from the states... I say order online.. find a friend you can trust there.. I've bought 2 guitars from the same shop in New York and they've been excellent buys..

Music Zoo ... just giving a guess
well for my case , if you can't afford a gibson , don't go for immitations . (not epiphones and all ) those are sub brands and not copies . there is nothing like the real thing . gibsons are hand made to an extent and they're quality may vary but its still a great guitar and you have to agree wtih that .
It's all in the mind whether a guitar is an imitation of Gibson.

As far as I am concerned, the first successful Les Paul models to roll out of the original Gibson factory are original. All the Gibsons to be produced based on these same specifications are also copies of the originals. Much have changed since... including the factory, luthiers, management, workmanship. Brand name of course has not changed.

If Gibson cannot copy the original guitars produced by its own name's sake as well as the competition, I won't hesitate to buy from the competition.

I'm just not the type to pay a heftier price for brand loyalty. If Gibson is gonna charge a premium price, I expect that price tag to make sense after a dollar-to-dollar comparison with the quality from the competition.
hmm thats a good point , but none the less a Gibson is a Gibson and it were cheap , everyone would own one wouldnt they? there has to be a reason why so many artists love it . i mean fenders arent that great too .
hmm thats a good point , but none the less a Gibson is a Gibson and it were cheap , everyone would own one wouldnt they? there has to be a reason why so many artists love it . i mean fenders arent that great too .

Agree there are many Gibsons out there that produce great sound. And that expensive name on the headstock helps bring across the pro image.

If I am earning big bucks from my music, paying much more for that good Gibson wouldn't be an issue. But if I just want a Les Paul with good sound and quality build, there are cheaper alternatives...

Keeping an eye on which companies Gibsons has:-
(1) been sueing
(2) stopped commissioning to build cheaper Les Pauls
can often help identify guitars that give better value for money.

its fair what , the les paul patent belongs to gibson anway , im sure no one wants they're invention stolen .
Good point there. I agree that Gibsons should enjoy the benefits of their own design. Though I'm not sure what exactly is patented... Is it just their pickups or does it include body design, lacquer...

I think the way they manage their patent (for which part of the guitar?) is making good Les Pauls less accessible to many. The price for an ordinary Gibson is just too steep... And then there's the decommissioning of those company that produce cheaper but good copies.

In contrast, I don't see Fender USA stopping the production of MIJ Fenders. In Fender history, they sent Americans to Japan re-learn how to make good guitars instead. That is how Fender USA stays competitive with their more expensive guitars. I respect them for that.
i honestly think gibson should stop sueing other brands and instead make their own guitars worthy of that price. so many lawsuits and so much money gone, y not make a better guitar so people can be more satsified with a actual gibson and wouldnt consider a 'copy'
a gibson isnt that expensive la , if you like an artist , you buy the cd , dont download it , if you like the guitar , buy the real on , dont fake it
^i actully beg to differ on that one, gibsons are expensive. if they really arnt that expensive, then why do people opt for the cheaper epis and other brands. i'll agree that gibson makes really good guitars, but for that price, i can get 2 good guitars. take the les pual standard that sub reviewd for instance, 6k. for that money there are so many other guitars that supposely have better QC then gibson, PRS is one. now honestly i've never seen a prs over 5k before (but there might be) but i wont mind spending it on the prs. reason being i'm confident in knowing that what i get is really meticulas(sp) craftsmanship and you dont see people complaing much abt prs's and gibsons have a really idiotic tendency to snap at the neck

Ps: all this is just my personal points of views, and has no intent of dissing anyone :)
hmm , well its not really 6k , thats a plain rip off for a standard , its worth 3k tops . brand new , of course the list price would be 3.2usd or something but well for a standard , i wouldnt pay more than 3 k . about the price , you're paying for the patent and the quality of the wood , and the pickups and craftsman ship ,(anyone got comments to share on this , please do)
i own couple of LPs STUDIO's:eek:ne alpine white & another faded mahogany with Bustbuckers Pro.The tone and playability of both guitars are awesone! My friend owns red wine Custom Shop & I did not find it superior to my Studio's in terms of tone & playability. Custom shop guitar has better finishing,yes...but even guitar worth 6K is going to be scratched & nocked, metal tarnished in a just one year time. I am buying guitar to play & bring around, so why worry about cosmetics too much. It is guitar tone & feel what matters to me. I would recommend to buy LP Studio & have no regrets abt spending 2 much cash. Regarding Epi....Naaah, I repaired few, costruction was way too cheap. Perhaps more expensive Epi's are better, but if you spend a bit more u can get Gibson. Even if Epi was great, when you play on stage, would you prefer your friends to see you hold Gibson or Epi? ;-)
when it comes to 'Les Paul', people are particular about cosmetics... however much you try to educate them about the cosmetics non-influential role with regards to tone, they would prefer a gorgoeous looking average LP Std to a Superb LP Studio.
the Studios are indeed great instruments but people are quick to dismiss it for its 'different' nature. eg: body depth slightly thinner than the Std
^i actully beg to differ on that one, gibsons are expensive. if they really arnt that expensive, then why do people opt for the cheaper epis and other brands. i'll agree that gibson makes really good guitars, but for that price, i can get 2 good guitars. take the les pual standard that sub reviewd for instance, 6k. for that money there are so many other guitars that supposely have better QC then gibson, PRS is one. now honestly i've never seen a prs over 5k before (but there might be) but i wont mind spending it on the prs. reason being i'm confident in knowing that what i get is really meticulas(sp) craftsmanship and you dont see people complaing much abt prs's and gibsons have a really idiotic tendency to snap at the neck

Ps: all this is just my personal points of views, and has no intent of dissing anyone :)

cause not everyone in singapore is financially able to afford one due to export charges or swee lee simply over charges and they dont know where to get one for the correct price , same reason as to why people would pay for a nice house or luxuary car . personally i feel that the gibson is of superior quality and people who complain simply have no idea what owning one feels like moreover playing one
sake of the name eh?
my bro told me when the first J series acousitic(correct me if i'm wrong) came out was only 45 bucks.
hmm , well its not really 6k , thats a plain rip off for a standard , its worth 3k tops . brand new , of course the list price would be 3.2usd or something but well for a standard , i wouldnt pay more than 3 k . about the price , you're paying for the patent and the quality of the wood , and the pickups and craftsman ship ,(anyone got comments to share on this , please do)

Craftsmanship? Excess glue is considered good craftsmanship? Quality of wood? Fender USA's wood is that good too and they don't charge as much. Patents? Come on, other companies have patents on their designs and they don't charge that ridiculously huge amount of money on that guitar! If I had that kind of money, I'd go for Ibanez Japan or Fender Japan/USA.

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