Getting a Triton PCG compatible for M50


New member
Hi, I tried doing a search but didn't seem to come up with anything on my question.

I'm wondering, whether any m50 owners here, has a way to import triton/X50 PCGs converted to M50 friendly PCG formats?

As I read online, direct importation is not possible, as m50 and x50 have different engines (HI vs EDS). At most the m50 will indicated 'non-readable file' or the likes. Apparently some kind soul managed to aurally tweak the parameters on m3 to get as close to the triton sound as possible, but I've not come across a format that is m50 friendly =/

The reason I'm asking this is because, I really like the x50 trance/electronic sounds which I hope to obtain in the m50, but programming each individual is tedious. To that end, I wonder if there is a community here, where M50 PCGs are shared, i.e. a community building and standing on the shoulders of giants.

Glad if anyone can share on this!
To add on,

for example, square rez in x50, would not be close to gliding squares in the m50 (both under fast synth category in program). The square rez patch is pretty useful for lady gaga songs, as I found, yet in upgrading to the m50, gliding squares doesnt really match up to square rez =/
glad to see a daring venturer into the realm of X50 /M50 non-presents! theres just a over saturation of x50 /m50 presets heard in gigs now days....

u may find a lot more info on or post yr m50 query there.

not sure what patch u are referring to in gaga's songs but i happen to do some customised COMBI patches for the synth bass in poker face and the synths in born this way.

pity i am not too familar with the m50 as i am stuck with the trinity and extreme using the old HI engine . but from what i understnd about the m50 and x50...i believe the combi mode is somewhat similar, cept m50 has 16 slots instead of 8! ..but with tasteful layering, u wun be needing more than a few slots, and u can still get the much desired " sound in your head" if u find tweaking the sound in "play" mode tooo cumbersom.

u may wanna consider stripping the patch ( will sound dry..but trust me..just try it> forces u to learn more about yr HUGH effects banks......), tink for a moment if u want a bit more sustain or punch, find similar sounding patch or two that has that added sustain or punchy feel...then layer them in a combi.

the very principal of the first step, is to be familar with the sound of the different patches in fast synth program modes....then instead of tweaking one single patch....tink of how u want it to be fatter/thinner,more attack/sustain, etc.. then lump another patch with this characteristic that is lacking in the first one. ( go to edit: make sure both in same midi channel to layer )

then add some smooth reverb with a small bit of chrous. if it still sounds weak , play with the mix of the two patches, or add a compresser . do note that u can route the effects differently to each patch,,and rem..the m50 has TWO outputs, a often overlooked feature. when u mix them two patches...use a headphone and play with the panning of the mix...and observe how they sound together when u pan them differently...i.e make sure they are not at BOTH C64( middle position) u have a gliding square on the L59 and saw lead on R 89 etc.....the rule of thumb is...always use both patches at c64 as a last resort(to prevent individual tone kill)....start with a certain degree of separation first to see who they sound panned..then slowly bring them closed together to central mix c64...then decide which is best in between.

these are just some layering tips off the top of my careful that over layering can cause the cancellation of the patches' inherent frequencies, killing their individual colors and overall tonekill.....

its all in the
1. tasteful selection of the patches.

2 selection of correct effects( i tink m50 has 90++??!)

3. routing of diff effects to each patch.

4 .most importantly the mix!

one last tip: if u ever wonder...why your own self made combis always sound a tad weaker than the korg team's present combis...: check out the pitch of each patch...some of the patches are layered in different octaves! play around with the octaves when u layer..makes a HUGE difference.

have fun making custom GAGA patches.!!!
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