Gear photos 2012

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This, my friend, is extremely vulgar!

I admire your love for the Jem guitars! One day I hope to have a similar-looking Les Paul collection.
An LTD EC-50 with 81s at neck and stock at bridge. Stock was black colour, i gave it a white and wood finish. Could be the only one in the world. Love it! :D



gonna sell off these 2 les pauls soon, but I thought they deserve to be showcase here first.

Gibson Japan Limited Edition White Les Paul Doublecut

Gibson Les Paul Standard Doublecut
Ditched my PT-1 and turned my 2nd board into my main board.


Once the Strymon Timeline are back in stock, it'll change to this:


Will remove the DE-7 and Blue Sky to make way for the Timeline, and put those on another PTMini (to be bought later) and turn them to this:


pedalboardplanner doesn't have Ibanez, Pedaltank and Ohm Labs on their list so the DD3 is actually the DE-7, the Shiba Drive is actually my Pedaltank BBlue Overdrive and the Emress trem is actually Ohm Labs Strobe trem.

Having 2 Mini boards seem more appealing to me these days than having 1-board-for-all kinda board.
Samz, Welcome to the EGEN club. !:p
I got mine when Herman Li was here in SGP. Got him to sign on my guitar as well.;)
On top is my one and only JEM. .....Your JEM collection is mouth watering :cool::cool::cool:

haha..thanks cool!! too bad i didn't get to see him =( mind telling me how much it was sold in SG? btw saw ur website...any idea where can i get the K-ON action figures?hahaha
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