Gear News 2006

Not exactly new gear, but:


Gator Slinger gigbag (electrics) review:[/img]
Guys i need a good gig bag. Swee Lee seems to be always out of stock of the warwick ones. Anywhere else i can get good gigbags? Need good padding, a gibby in a hardcase is killing my arm when i bring it ard.
try this dude on luther

Date posted : 10 March 2006
Selling Paddeg Gig Bag...Selling cause of getting new one... $30... negotiable... call me for info...
ahh if in that price range i dun tink its the kinda quality i want. Looking for the warwick kind with the thick padding. im a bit paranoid abt putting my LP is a flimsy gigbag hehh..... anywhere eles i can get those or are there any other brands u guys recommend or online shops or stuff?? =)
It is quite hard to put a LP into a gigbag as most gigbags are not designed to really hold slanted guitars. The Gator might hold an LP but seriously after seeing how snug my strat fit in it, I wouldn't risk putting an LP into it at all.

The Warwick electric gigbag would be my only choice at that price range if I had to put an LP inside a gigbag, as opposed to a hardcase.
i use the Warwick Rockbag for my LP, fits very well and the padded neck-rest inside (with velcro strap to keep ur guitar from falling out when u open the bag) is perfect.
ya, don't think it'll get into lawsuit. this is custom build and customer determines the design and not mass produced. it looks like PRS but if look closely it's different. the obvious is the volume and switch.

lawsuit happens if the quality and price is a threat to a guitar company. so if it happens to this UNO, i'll be the first to grab one! :)

but from the pictures in the site it sure looks like a damn fine axe...
from a legal perspective, lawsuits are:

1. proprietor initiatied- it doesn't happen automatically, someone has to start it.

2. only effective to registered products
I'll have to go take a closer look, but I happened to be passing by swee lee yesterday and guess what I saw?

Yup, it is.

My eyes almost bugged out of my head when I saw it, but I was in a rush. Maybe I'll go down to take a closer look, and perhaps even try it out (HEHEHEHE) this weekend.

Anyone who has the time, it's sitting right smack in front of the shop. Full stack included. :twisted:
yeah i saw that ibanez stack too.
towering man.
anyway tried some stuff at swee lee. then got super pissed.
the sales man black-face me when i told him ill think about the pedal that i tried.
like what the hell.
before anyone else starts another rant on poor service from sales staff in music shops, i suggest you stop and realise this is the Gear News thread.