Gallery 2006

Wow, you reply damn fast. :lol:

This mirage finish is quite interesting, changes from green to black, brown to red when looked at different angles. I believe yours is the same, yes?


no man so far no such colour changes
ur guitar looks awesome.

anyway urs is a six string rite?
is ur model discontinued?

i wanted to get the rg1550 the one with the maple board.
Thanks for the compliments! :wink:

Isn't yours like a mirage blue or sorts?

Yeah it's a six-string. I'm not too sure if it's discontinued though.

Anyway, back to you. How much did your 7stringer Prestige cost?
My Axes:

Fender Standard Strat(b4 pup swap)

After swap:

Project Guitar:

Squier Strat( after pup swap plus mods)

Epiphone Les Paul Classic:

Pedalboard(Board too small so i put on floor)
nice guits there ^

hey about daisy chains... are they really effective in supplying power to multiple pedals form one adaptor? then y do ppl spend on power supplies (besides converting to a common voltage or sth)? haha sry ro sound noob jus curious
penta-tonic said:
1527 isnt a 7 string version of the 1570 pls take note thus finishing isnt the same.

Hi there,

If you take a good look at his 1527, you'd see that it's speckled like mine. That's what prompted me to ask if his is a mirage finish as well.
yeah bro thats what prompted me to get it in this finish
anyway mine is in black not blu and i noe the 1570 isnt a 1527 in a six string
was just confirming if urs was a six string discontinued series. :)

bro jms, ur fender is a stdrd fat strat made in where? looks good
wat pickups u got in there?

The term 'vintage' is apt, for this YG 1221 is one seasoned old fellow.
Not certain about her exact age, but at least as old, if not older, than me. I'm just speculating though.
She was passed down to me from my cousin, who got her from another fellow when he was younger. She came all bruised and battered. But still a fine old player nonetheless.
Think of her as a grand old dame with her tantrums and idiosyncrasies. But still packing a punch. :wink:


btw jms, thats just an amazing strat you have there though i would say it looks way much better with the while pickguard IMO, somehow the black doesnt do it justice.
haha unfortunately i have enough trouble with 6 strings and rg necks just kill my hands. prefer something with a thicker neck esp when playing longer durations.
penta-tonic said:
btw jms, thats just an amazing strat you have there though i would say it looks way much better with the while pickguard IMO, somehow the black doesnt do it justice.

maybe its just the white knobs and that 5 way switch that makes it look weird.