Gallery 2006

edo83 said:
Otherwise, this plays like a dream with a very sweet neck tone which sings almost like my 62RI strat :D

good to know that i'm not the only one here who favours a neck single coil from a non-fender guitar 8)
my new family member- Ibanez SAS36FM


featuring a seamless, set neck design

was very happy with the construction, the True Duo humbucker could have been better...
i've been paying tribute to Fender's single coils for too long, not that they are bad (they never will be!), there are others which are appealing.
the SA's neck retains very much the Wizard characteristics but it has a narrower width & a rounder rear but still feels quite flat. the SZ on the other hand, is a departure from the Wizard feel- very different, 'flat' & 'thin' are estranged adjectives to be describing the SZ neck profile.

SAS36 review- coming soon (already posted) 8)
very kickass flames on that SAS36 man!

but i think the abalone binding looks a tad outta place on an Ibanez. IMHO

then again, i'm just not a big fan of abalone binding. yeah that explains it. haha
i've just tried an ibanez rg270dx.. and i like it.. however i head that they are discontinued..any other rg with the same characteristics? or a non rg which could do the same.. i heard something abt jumbo frets or such..
My Pedalboard as at 03/04/06



It goes...

Guitar to....

Morley Bad Horsie 2 Wah

A/B/Bypass Looper

Loop A
Randolfed Boss CS-3 --> stock Boss CE-2

Loop B
Tonefactor Hellbilly --> Randolfed TS9DX --> Skreddy Screwdriver

Sansamp Classic

Demeter Mid Boost

Randolfed Boss DD3

I need more cables and a bigger pedal bag. :P I also need different cables custom cut to different lengths. Sheesh. Will it never end?!?
george l cables should do the trick! I bought like 20 plugs and 20 feet of cable to rewire my rack once and for all. spent a bomb, but at least i know i wont have to worry about cables for a long time to come
George Ls I know man... but like what you said, A BOMB!

I was thinking of Dimarzio patch cables actually... but @ 15 SGD for what, 1 foot patch? Ouch.

Say, pm me how much you paid for 20plugs/20feet of George Ls?
shred u can get George L cable at davies ...
i believe the price is reasonable.... or, u can custom ur own
canare gs6 with right angle head...
btw i`ve been searching for neutrik silent plug..but cant seem to find it in sg any idea where i can get it ?:)
hey ...ur pedal board look kinda messy..shld custom one bro...
uzzo88 said:
i've just tried an ibanez rg270dx.. and i like it.. however i head that they are discontinued..any other rg with the same characteristics? or a non rg which could do the same.. i heard something abt jumbo frets or such..

yes, the series 2XX RGs are discontinued- do u have a pic of it? the thing with these guitars- they are equipped with the dreaded TRS vibrato bridge. don't wanna start the whole sob story about these units, if you are interested to know more, do PM me...
penguin said:
btw i`ve been searching for neutrik silent plug..but cant seem to find it in sg any idea where i can get it ?:)

Luthermusic? I got mine from there.. :)
jony said:
Luthermusic? I got mine from there.. :)

regarding those Neutrik silent heads.... here's an extract from Luther:

We customise different lengths using this hi-quality cable made in Japan. It has a very thick core and transmits very well.

Priced at $4.00 per metre, you can opt for different professional heads available:

Neutrik NP-2X straights: $6.00 each
Neutrik NP-2 RCS angled: $6.60 each

Neutrik NYS-224S: silent straights: $3.80 each
Neutrik NYS-224G gold plated straights: $3.50 each
Amphenol PM Gold Head: $3.90

We charge $3.00 per cable for labour.

Typically, a Canare 3M cable with Neutrik NP-2X and NP2-RCS will cost $27.00