*G.R.I.N.* @ Ngee Ann Poolside~~~


New member
*G.R.I.N.* is a project started up by myself and Alex (my liason point with NP) because we both felt 1. it'd be cool to have a rock concert, 2. bands are seriously being extorted... whether they feel it or not (singaporeans are sometimes generally too affluent and fortunate)

*G.R.I.N.*'s promise is our focus will always be about the musicians, and the music. Welfare and rights of musicians and their music comes first, and we will do our best to protect bands under this cause during every single event that we may be involved in or able to influence.

*G.R.I.N.* is like a whole new beginning. Serious. If you feel this is the way music should be heard, and that we are giving these musicians working with us due respect (unlike some others whom I will not name) then please... Support us.

DATE: 24th May, Saturday 5pm-10pm << HAS BEEN CHANGED!! IT WAS ON THE 23rd of May ORIGINALLY

Location: Ngee Ann Allumni Poolside/Pavilion (dry/wet weather programs)

Cost for audience: FREEEEEEE!!! FRIGGIN FREE!!!! (but, we'd like to collect donations from whoever who feels we're doing the right thing, even if it's just a nominal sum.. it's cool... donation totals, accounts will be accounted for in as organized a method as we can, and will be made such it is public to those who would wish to monitor our expenditure)

Benefits for bands: Free publicity, Free exposure, Free Drinks (I am not talking about soft drinks man~~~~), Free Transport. (basically I'm doing my best to get whatever I can, for the bands who will play with us)

Where is money from:
Ngee Ann Alumni Club, SonicGear and Halo Bar*thank you, i love you*

Where does any possible income go to: to cover some misc costs that my committee might fork out on their own, remainder goes to orphanage right over the hills, next to the poolside of NP.. (well.. incase they complain about noise)

Other areas of interest: Simply send me an e-mail with your name and number and I'll prep passes for EVERYONE who registers), to come watch the gig. Also, registrants are likely to have benefits like free soft drinks, and win prizes from our lucky dip.

Contact me at:
email: hu.wanda@gmail.com (send me your name, number, IC no. DOB and if you can a pass port sized pic (can be cropped out of some other pic, so I can put ya pic on ya pass) to register) Please ensure you get confirmation e-mail in 24-48hours or resend your mail or sms me.

Vocalist, Another Last Chance
Email: wandafoo@sonicgear.net/hu.wanda@gmail.com
msn: fresh_apricotz@hotmail.com
hp: 91822666 (wah lao, please ah.. don't call me about everything... Will kill prankcallers)
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This area right in front of the pool is gonna be the stage. =) Hopefully we don't have drummers falling in half way through a set and the likes.

Ya can see the sloping grass patch in front of the 'stage' at the bottom of this pic... That'll be covered with some mats and all, so people who wanna watch can sit there and watch, or alternatively, they could stand behind the temporary barricade we're probably setting up infront of the stage, That way the view's probably better.

Behind the grass patch, there's the play ground... don't know what kids around our age would be doing there... but who knows... when there's alcohol alot of things can happen. There's also the pavilion behind, where the chairs and tables would remain there if the weather is dry, and ya can sit, have ya beer and enjoy the music. If the weather's not so dry, That'll become the stage =). Audience can all stand around, indoors if they mind the rain, outdoors if they don't.

Overall, the place is pretty great, cool for a small rock conert, imagine this setting in the evening, with the pool lights, and there'll be some lighting for the stage. It's gonna be quite.... brilliant.. I think...
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Hey Wanda ..looks cool ... can we bring our swimming costumes for a dip before hand :mrgreen: ...he hee..
I school at Ngee Ann and I never knew we had this! I mean i've heard of the alumni before but I have never been inside.

Looks really cool! Good luck for your gig!

lol i always go to alumini block for lunch. hahah you guys getting the drinks from the bar there or what?

haha yea yea *grin* they said they'll sponsor... but let's get enough ppl in to drink them bankrupt man~~~ =P

Swimming is allowed only if you've got proper swim wear.... if we get any accidents *die* if someone complains.. also die.... and don't get too too too violent in the pool man... stage is right by the pool.. all the wires.. imagine if there're like 50 ppl in the pool and a 'live' wire slipped in!!! ack~~~~

but lol.... i'm wondering who'd swim... but who knows man... i think it'd be cool... if i had the time, i'd like to swim and hear the bands play at the same time.. party in the pool..

AND NO DIVING!! HELL!! THE POOL IS SOOOO SHALLOW!! (but not more so than the idiot who jumps in)

haha yea yea *grin* they said they'll sponsor... but let's get enough ppl in to drink them bankrupt man~~~ =P

Swimming is allowed only if you've got proper swim wear.... if we get any accidents *die* if someone complains.. also die.... and don't get too too too violent in the pool man... stage is right by the pool.. all the wires.. imagine if there're like 50 ppl in the pool and a 'live' wire slipped in!!! ack~~~~

but lol.... i'm wondering who'd swim... but who knows man... i think it'd be cool... if i had the time, i'd like to swim and hear the bands play at the same time.. party in the pool..

AND NO DIVING!! HELL!! THE POOL IS SOOOO SHALLOW!! (but not more so than the idiot who jumps in)


Swim & party while the band plays -NOW THATS COOL!

the message you have typed is too short. please lengthen your message to at least 10 characters - lol...
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So which are the bands that are eligible for the auditions?

For the benefit of the bands, all information which has been received and processed will be kept confidential. Only names of bands which have been accepted will be released on Wednesday night, probably by 00:00 15th May.

Poster will be released on 15th May 2008 with finalized list of bands.

Many a time, bands have not been chosen for this gig, simply because our schedules couldn't match up, or due to preferred genre, but about 5-7 bands or so, have been rejected based on the former.

Dear bands, if you really do wish to receive constructive feedback from us, I definately will respond if you do ask, with my honest opinion. This is my form of thanks to you for putting in all the effort to jam and practice and show me all you've got. On top of prioritizing all of you, for passes for the gig.
China Quake

Funds raised during this concert may be directed to China Quake Victims as well.

Even though we are simply Singaporean Musicians, this concert is also part of an effort to keep Singaporeans in touch with what is happening in the world, and to give us an all an avenue to reach out a helping hand.

Hopefully this avenue will become larger, and would raise more funds in the near future for various people out there in the world who need help.

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