I use Firefox ftw... but if you guys realised, Firefox also have some minor compatibility issues... Just log in to Friendster and go read some bulletins on IE7 and Firefox... The messages are formatted for IE7 but not Firefox.. haha
Apart from that, I find that Firefox's way faster than IE in some sites, eg Facebook. I've tried Safari but the compatibility issue really irks me, so I'm using Firefox for the balance between compatibility and speed!
Btw, if your youtube is having problems, it is not because of browser. Try this:
Add proxy server for your browser:
Starhub's proxy address: proxy.starhub.net.sg
Port: 8080
Singtel's proxy address: proxy.singnet.com.sg
Port: 8080
For Firefox, click on tools -> options -> advanced -> settings and fill in the relavant spaces... for the no proxy for box, enter ur router's address eg, for linksys routers.