Fireflies - Owl City (guitar cover)


A guitar heavy version of Fireflies. This song was a pain to cover.

MIJ Strat - BB Preamp - Tone Press - Strymon Shimmer Reverb - 2x DD20 - Mbox2 - Reaper amp plugin. Audio was recorded first, followed by video. Guitar panned hard right, original track on the left. 720p also gives the best sound quality.

Thanks. Yea the Strymon reverb is crazy good at what it does. It justifies its price tag i guess.
Another nice one!

Okay now I'm intrigued. What kinda strat is that? Also what kinda pickups have you got loaded?

I know your type man, with the unfair-long-gilbert-like-fingers *boils in envy*
Haha thanks. That's my humble 1993 57ri MIJ Strat. Stock pickups. This the model that supposedly comes with Texas Specials. I have no idea what they really are, but I like them.

Long fingers are overrated too. I can't play Gilbert stuff at all. More of an ambient, rhythm kinda player.
Rock on brah.

Hah I see this dude's threads' are getting a lotta buzz. Lol all the post-rock "ambionics" all coming out.