Faulty Amp! What do I do with it?


New member
Hey guys! I bought a Laney Hardcore MXD 30W Amp few years back. I was busy for about a few months and left it at a corner, just found out that it is now faulty. The volume knob doesn't work anymore although the amp still produces sound. I could use my multi-efx to control its volume but it'll sometimes 'switches' its volume suddenly.

My question is, firstly, is this problem common on an amp? What is most likely the problem? And do you think it'd be a good idea to get it fixed? Or should I invest in a new one because fixing the issue might cost a lot. And if I should get it fix, any idea where does good repair? Or perhaps I can try selling it? (Wondering if anybody will want a faulty amp though...)
have you tried making sure that all the cable connections are ok? that you plugged in all your cables properly? or that you set your multi fx properly?

I think it'll be more worthwhile for you to invest in a new amp, not really worth fixing this one unless it has sentimental value to you
have you tried making sure that all the cable connections are ok? that you plugged in all your cables properly? or that you set your multi fx properly?

I think it'll be more worthwhile for you to invest in a new amp, not really worth fixing this one unless it has sentimental value to you

Yes bro, everything is nicely set up. Volume is still not working! =(