family problems

Crazy shit, cause of "family love" you don't want your life?

Call police la FFS. My mother nearly killed me, i HAD to call police if not god knows what happens. After police incident, peaceful.

For goodness sake, don't RUN away. It makes them have MORE reason to pwn you. CALL POLICE LA. THIS IS CALLED CHILD ABUSE. ZZZ
sigh.. another sad case... i feel your pain man... my family used to be like this... and i was in your position... i did what u did before, which was to run away, stay with a friend and work... but in the end.. same thing... parent's called the cops...

honestly, u got two choices...
1) move out, complete your education then enlist
2) stay at home, tolerate, then when its time for enlistment, go to camp and dont go back...
they no longer dare to hit me, im big enuff already, tends to defend myself. abusing was during my elementary school days and occasionally during my secondary days. Its year ago, no point calling police now right? beside dun wanna hurt my grandparents, they dote me alot more than my sister and brother cause of the situation.

My sister is an arsehole, she pickup my handphone when my gf call me and claim to be my new gf . . . We broke after that, my gf refuse to believe me. When i ask my sister did that, she just smile and say its a joke

But these are minor cases, but i cant stand them giving me looks and treat me like a boxing bag by scolding me without valid reasons.

I think I would just wait for army, and move out after that. Im 20 soon. Im studying a forwarded module, left a term more, after that im going ns.

anyway, i run away home for 6 months during seconday days, but they called police. After that incident they no longer dare to hit me cause i told the police what happen. My parents was only given verbal warning. But since they dont hit me anymore cant do anything
Ok Seriously, move out best solution. Talk nicely with your parent. Don't bring in family matters. Say you wanna change environment.
well.. what ur sister did to u was screwed up.. u the youngest in the family?? next time.. call her bf and do the same thing... sometimes, u just gotta learn to be cunning and play your revenge using underhand means...
shreddedsweeper : Donno ur family matters...but some how feel u r disclosing too much of ur personal things...what so ever let others not comment on ur family members...especially lady family members. Thats not good

Others : We donot know what is actually going on in their family...It can be misunderstandings or really somebody is ill treating him but let us not talk bad about any body, with half knowledge.
Kwerty said:
Hmm. Your sister pretty? Gimme her contact I help you, she sounds as if she needs to get laid.

^^^what he said.

seriously your siblings sound like they're assholes.
Every family has problems, every single one of us has problems.
It helps to know that you are not alone.

I feel comforted in knowing that you are defending and standing up for yourself, and that you are being pro-active in seeking ways to rectify the situation.

The best thing to do is to grit your teeth, and trudge through it. Things will eventually go your way. If it does not kill you, it will simply make you stronger.

It is always my belief that one's mindset is everything. And if you yourself are content, and happy, then no matter what happens, it will not affect you.

Just take all these as tests along the way, to strengthen you and your resolve.

I know this is getting abstract, but when the days comes for us to be judged, it is our actions unto others that count, and no what others do unto us.

You have my heartfelt regards, :wink:
shreddedsweeper, I am with vahsu on this. There has to be a line drawn when it comes to disclosing your issues.

No matter how horrid your family may be, one thing is certain, you must never bring more shame/negativity/misunderstandings onto your family name.

Granted, this is a forum. no one knows who you are. But when there are forum gatherings or chance meetings of SOFTies, the last thing you want on their minds is, "oh, thats the guy with the screwed up family." Then what if your sister happens to be out with you?

I'm not asking you to hide and bottle up your feelings, but I'm asking you to exercise control over what you choose to reveal to the public, and to have some pride in the name you carry.

Finally, this is the last place you want to ask, to seek advice on family matters. You have people of varying degrees of maturity, and different moral values, and finally, mere words never bring the whole truth across (Like you say, you get hit, some people immediately think of punches, while others think of light slaps).
yeah i know, thanks for the advice. im more like trying to shout all the problems, i felt more comfortable. Mainly on forums, cause i dont wish to let my friends know that, some might get the wrong idea im hinting them that i wanna go over to their place to stay or something.

sometimes when you angry/sad you tend to do this on impulse
Hey ... i know it sucks ... and this world is never fair ... and sometimes we have our bad days .... I didn't exactly come from a fully functional family either ... (actually i meant to say Dysfunctional :) )

But the key thing is ... whenever something bad happens ... got to keep yourself alive ... coz whether we are happy or sad ... we will still live on. :)

I'm not going to use the F word on your family members .... I agree Shredcow and Vahsu ... some details are not meant to be disclosed ... whatever wrongs there may be ... everyone has a reason to do what they do ... may it be right or wrong ... and it's not up to me to comment coz i don't know you ...

I guess we are not in position to tell you what to do ... but whatever it is ... everyone has the right to survive and protect themselves ... and everyone has to face the consequences of their actions ... i believe you know what do ... survive, protect, Love and be happy ...
I'm with Phil on this one. Your mindset is all important. "What does not break you makes you stronger".

Revenge is one thing I wouldn't encourage. You get angry, furious and want to get back at them, but in the end it'll just come back to you. So, just move on and focus on your future. Keep your chin up!
live33 said:
I'm with Phil on this one. Your mindset is all important. "What does not break you makes you stronger".

Revenge is one thing I wouldn't encourage. You get angry, furious and want to get back at them, but in the end it'll just come back to you. So, just move on and focus on your future. Keep your chin up!


Seriously, that is one bad physical abuse there. I not sure about now...Is your parents still giving u verbal stressing?

My friend recently got physically abuse by the father abd she is a girl man! Reaon because the father was having bad mood, and he always put his anger on her. Well she did wants to report to police a couple of times, but I told her that it's not gonna be a good idea.

Seriously, you should try talking to your parents and your silblings on this matter. Just try to know more about your situation on why are they doing these to you.

But one thing for sure...Next time if you have your own kids, love them all your heart, not using the same methods your parents use on you. Because many times when a parent do this or that, it actually influences the children.

But well there are services out there you can share your problems, and of cause we Soft people will try to help as much.

But hey dont compare with other families, this will only make you sad. God created you for a reason yeah!!!
watching my relatives pass away by 1 by 1, through out the years. do find the grace to forgive them if they wronged you. when u see the rival relative bursting out in tears/regret over the body/coffin/tombstone, should have done that while alive. its better to have loved and lost, than not loved at all.

From what you have said, I think you are a strong person. You didnt give up and you are putting food for yourself. I think thats remarkable. These are very valuable lessons that most will never learn. Be humble, be strong, be focused, but never be afraid. You want to get back at your family, get a good job in the future, have a good life, show them that they can and never will break you down.

I know it aint easy. But no matter how you look at it, it always is still half full or half empty. Its a choice.

If you need help, please dont hesitate to call. I will PM you my number.

I would suggest moving out after you're enlisted into NS, or better still move in with your grandparents. Well you did say they dote on you. Um, I have no idea why you're still living with them after what they did to you. It may be you need food and lodging. However, I have to warn you that there's a price you have to pay if you wanna depend on them and that is to be look down upon and you have to take whatever shit that your family give you. And I'm afraid in the long run, it may cause an unhealthy psychological problem within you. I dunno, you may lose faith in having a family when you grow up, or you may think that you're someone whom everyone hates. Only you know for certain what kinda distress your family are putting you thru. Um, if you're sure you wanna leave your family again, think of an answer to give the police when they find you. You can tell them what your family puts you thru, or even tell them that you're so much in distress that you're beginning to hate your family. Which I'm sure is true in your case. I'm sure the police will understand. Tell them the truth, do not be afraid. Well I'm not sure what I said has help you, certainly hope so. Good luck dude!

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