family problems

I believe that God make people lives bearable. No one has a life till they really cannot take it and have to commit suicide. Sure they might feel like it from time to time, but not enough to make them do it. Probably the thread starter has a crummy life, but God probably rewarded him with a pretty large penis, so that keeps him happy sometimes.
I can only say this.

Letting it out in a forum is a good way to release your frustration BUT...

BUT... read every reply and advise, misguided or not with a bucket full of salt.

We will emphatise and symphatise but we're only hearing your side of the story.

If you need help, I'm sure there are some youth organizations with counsellors that are well equip with knowledge and tools to help you overcome this bad stage of your life. You've taken the first step to air this out. You can go further by asking for their help. Nothing to be shy of. The problem is there and you know you'll have to solve it.

Just like repairing a guitar. You don't send your guitar to any general hardware shop to do it. You send it to a reputable repairman.

All the best.
edder said:
I can only say this.

Letting it out in a forum is a good way to release your frustration BUT...

BUT... read every reply and advise, misguided or not with a bucket full of salt.

We will emphatise and symphatise but we're only hearing your side of the story.

If you need help, I'm sure there are some youth organizations with counsellors that are well equip with knowledge and tools to help you overcome this bad stage of your life. You've taken the first step to air this out. You can go further by asking for their help. Nothing to be shy of. The problem is there and you know you'll have to solve it.

Just like repairing a guitar. You don't send your guitar to any general hardware shop to do it. You send it to a reputable repairman.

All the best.

Well... is a Stressful world out here. Different people face with alot of different problems these days. I seen a few friends stress out and go into depression.

Dude, we are lucky to be in Singapore where you work hard for yourself you can at least survive easily. Just hang on and must not go into depression. I am sure you have some good friends around you.

Put those unhappiness behind and stay positive AND work towards the perfect life you wanna live. Cheer yourself up in someways that you like.

All the Best.....

If it's any consolation at all, take heart that you're not the only one with a dysfunctional family. mine's just as fucked up as well in a hundred different ways.

At the end of the day - remember that it's your life to live and nobody should tell you what to do. Listen to your heart and but use your mind to lead you in the right direction.

And don't let no one push you around - remember, there's only ONE life, so make it a good one for yourself.
bro. i can understand ur family situation. but think bout this. times are bad at home now. u feel tht no one cares when u are at home. yes thts true. it may seem so. but dun let these pple bring u dwn. i come froma family with problems u nv expect tht it will happen here in spore. but hey life still goes on. the impt thing tht u must tell urself is. dun ever give up. moving out. maybe when u are older. but keep ur frens beside u. they are the ones whu will pull u thru. and believe in urself. have self confidence in the things u do. when u do all tht at the end of the day u will understand why i tell u all these. cuz at the end of the day u will understand why theres a rainbow at the end of every rain.

Hey ShredSweeper, I'm sorry to hear on ur situation.

Well, I do see a lot of situations like this before. Personally, I would think u should move out to ur grandparents' place since they dote on you. Confide with ur grandparents. Running away from home doesnt solve the problem, instead they would give in more reasons to hate you more.

Your siblings are a load of Pea-holes. No sibling should ever do that to their own bros/sis. Are you the oldest or the youngest. The best thing is to show your stand on this. "Rebel" against them and instill fear towards them. Never mind if ur parents call u " the black horse" in ur family.

Another thing is, be successful. No matter how far u study or wat, still u can be successful. Show ur talent more. I see that u can play the guitar? Form a band, set ur own sights and make the band successful. In future, U will see ur family members running towards you, saying "My son/brother is a star!!!" or " U saw the guitarist from XXXXXX, he's my brother/son!!!" Tell me, that's the best trick ever to bring ur family together!!!

All the best to you!!! Good Luck!!!
many, many years ago as a child, my parents also whacked me - cane, belt, rotan, feather duster, ruler...chalat2....once I was so naughty I even kena kicked by my dad....

Coming from a not too well to do family - I had to finance my open way from A levels & above....

I hear where you are coming from but all I can tell you is you can use the pain as a challenge to make you a tougher man.
my dad had an affair for a couple of years before he devorced my mom. i'm glad there was never any physical abuse.....the emotional part was enough.

i sat in between my parents at the dinner table. they would argue n scream at each other n one would storm out. i used to go hide at my grandma's house with my little bro....

just hang in there......nothing last forever.

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