Explain Your Setup!


Screwdriver - > Lo for my rhythm sound for all rock...70s 80s....
Tubeslammer deluxe for solos....
Hot British for metal(now sold to Jeff, hopefully a tubezone/morpheus/ krank should be replacing this)
French toast for fuzz(I need a MUFF since i sold this too...)

thats about it...end of november - end of exams - let the gas begin :D
strat copy(010, medium-high action) -> yamah dg (discontinued) -> mg15cdr

previously was using bob marley lp -> mg15cdr
Phanto said:
omfg. not another one of these threads.

Soft Guitar Subforum is just like the matrix. It reboots itself and the same threads/questions are asked again and again.
DimeCustomWah --> Jekyll and Hyde --> Ts9 --> dynacomp --> Korg1500 (for chorus, delay and tuner use only ) --> fish and chips -->amp
Guitar --> Teese RMC 2 wah --> Loopmaster (2 loops, 1 tuner out)

Tuner out --> Boss TU12

Loop 1 --> Blackstone MOSFET Overdrive --> Skreddy Screwdriver

Loop 2 --> Tonefactor Analogue Filter --> Goose Citrus Compressor

--> modded Boss CE-2 --> Goose Boosty --> looper (Ibanez EM5 Echomachine)

--> Some ... amp...
Even if one does not use a channel switching amp, the beatty of a good tube amp is the dynamic response. Roll down volume knob and you'll get a nicer clean sound. roll up volume knob for more.

Worked well for those blues players and a few rockers.