EXCLUSIVE: Bombay Ghee's OPEN MIC download.


New member
As promised and reward for my fellow supporters, worshippers and fans. Here is an all exclusive download of one of the songs i will be playing at my live gig. In all certainty and faith, please listen to the whole song at once. Due to the overwhelming and sheer intensity of the music, some of you will stop halfway. I do not recommend this as it will spoil the experience.


Do not support piracy. Download my song only at this link. I am not affilated to Dubai ghee or Mumbai ghee, who have seek to mimic me and use my works as their own.

Enjoy and of course discuss my brilliance.

You may begin.

haha the music is making me laugh .

you have good techniques, your playing the guitar right?
i was expecting the music to be abit bombay.

7/10 cheena stars :D
man you're good. what's with the outoftune parts. i liked the second half better.

i still find the bass88 thing hilarious :D
yar the first part is out of tune right. i thot so too but i didnt dare comment cos im not a guitarist haha. i thot he meant for that to happen. but his technique is good.

Gr3y is better :D hahas

rock on bombay fellow anyway y didnt you did a intro?
funny guy
Thanks my fellow dey's. Back in india...i play the sitar...got a model made by Sitar55 called the Sitar5000. I think maybe i can spread my popularity here with more rawk music they call it.
I thought it was good stuff. Well done!

I loved the element of dissonance in the beginning! Indian influences perhaps, maybe you tried to go down the whole mahavishnu birds of fire type phrasing path a little too hard for us to understand.

This track is in my ipod now man.

Thanks for this.
Finally! someone who understands. After all i did teach the tabla player that is now playing with john mclaughlin.

You are forgiven child. I hope you are now enlightened
Thank you so much, I have long loved eastern music, in particular the odd timings in the phrases they used like phrasing in fives or sevens. We should get together and record something one day man. Maybe you can show me some pentatonic scales you use also.

look at the way he talks. you are forgiven child.

he is a crazy fellow nice having you in soft . DO AN INTRO FOR US! TELL US HOW OLD R YOU.
and ur influences :D

nice music :D
Serious in what way?

I am usually very serious in most musical things i do.

A thousand apologies if trouble has been caused.

Its not everyday the wrath of a celestial is unleashed in a forum
I believe that the song played in the first part is definitely by you..
And the second one is definitely NOT by you..

I notice that the guitar tone for both parts are different.. The first part sounds more thicker than the second one..
i do realise that u speak in a very exagerrated way...no offence to u,but u still sound like a dude out in the forum to create waves...attract attention...nice track btw
Any bang is a good bang , my comrades. Hence the bang of my entrace to this realm.

My dear friend who is skeptical of my playing. You talk about the tone.....who are you to talk about tone...get Shredcow to come talk to me. You are dismissed.

I played my strat through a VOX AC30 at the first part and my les paul through a soldano SLO100 on the 2nd. Oh i checked and i am sure that was what was said on my line6 toneport UX2

Just because you cannot execute something that is shown, doesn't mean many cannot. You will be forgiven this once.
zenguan88 said:
yar the first part is out of tune right. i thot so too but i didnt dare comment cos im not a guitarist haha. i thot he meant for that to happen. but his technique is good.

Grey is better :D hahas

rock on bombay fellow anyway y didnt you did a intro?
funny guy

Which Grey? hmz.. i'm Gr3y! hi! Nice to meet you :lol:
No cow, i do not know you. But, back in India we pay homage to the cows and bulls. I do the same here.

I am highly religious