^ Yep, it's quite sickening. Well, it's a karma thing.....what goes around comes around. Hopefully 20-30 years down the road, these fools will become disabled and sell tissue on the sidewalk for $10 a pack (inflation lah!).
my more worse..indian lady selling tissue last month but last week i saw her buyying perfume,and bags of ZARA products!.
my more worse..indian lady selling tissue last month but last week i saw her buyying perfume,and bags of ZARA products!.
some a genuinely in need of money.
i bet you guys know the lady who sells tissue paper almost everywhere. mrt stations to be exact.
she sings "1 dollar 1 dollar, tissue paper 1 dollar"
i pity her
even her late husband was disabled. similar to her.
then some ignorant fools videotaped themselves and posted on youtube making a joke out of her.
*^&%$#*WTH,she got money to buy Zara and perfume?![]()
oh yeah.
those of you who frequent bugis or cityhall, there's always these lady.
hagged lady. with white hair. kinda crossed eyed. croc shoes.
she always come forward to people and ask for 5 dollars.
she's always near urm, bras basah shopping complex opposite raffes place arcade.