Established expat accoustic vocal band seeking guitarist


New member
Established expat accoustic band, Freeflow, is looking for a guitarist to complete our unique sound. We've been playing together for several years and are an accoustic band of three female vocalists (think awesome three-part harmony) who all play various instruments (guitar/Ukes/piano) and drummer. Commitment would be weekly rehearsals to learn set list (mostly pop / Indie hits and some jazz standards) with likely gigs monthly. We're looking for someone who can hit the ground running, can pick up songs fast & wants to do it for the love of music! Check us out on Facebook if you're interested (Freeflow) and message me on
Hi Imogen,

I have sent you an email and am wondering if it was well-received. I am interested in playing with you guys. I play various instruments including guitar. I've had substantial experience singing in vocal bands and male-female duo established in Sydney.
You can check out my stuff at

Thanks !