ESP, Edwards & LTD Appreciation Thread


New member
Ok ok. So far I've seen appreciation threads for Les Paul's (which turns out to be a Gibson and Epiphone thread), Stratocaster (Fender & Squire), telecaster (Fender & Squire), Pointy guitars (BC Rich?) and superstrats (which somehow turns out to be Ibanez) appreciation threads.

I know that there are a lot of users using the ESP family guitars. So I think its about time we have a thread for us. So c'mon guys. bombard this thread with pics of your geetars and basses......

will post mine once i get home......




WITH +18V instead of 9V for the EMGs....

Sound better not so muddy
My Edwards LP98-LTS Cherryburst

The only LP I've felt comefortable in owning. Great price, great construction, fantastic tone... I never play it anymore though... I think it's rusting away in my closet. It's been the longest time since I've laid hands on it...




I still hate LPs though...:mrgreen:
used to own this, but sold it off

and this is still with me...and doubt i will ever sell it...

itachi's esp is like my guitars twin and feedback's guitar is the twin from another mother haha

here's mine:

changed pups to duncan custom and 59'
is davis the sole seller of esp esclipse? any place any it?

feel like getting the same model as the snow white colour esclipse but in vintage white colour

but (H-H) emg 60, emg 81
(H-H) emg 81, emg 81

wats the diff o_O? in tone wise
itachi's esp is like my guitars twin and feedback's guitar is the twin from another mother haha

here's mine:

changed pups to duncan custom and 59'

now this is cool. nice one man. it's a shame i'm not interested in les pauls. hehe
My Edwards LP98-LTS Cherryburst

The only LP I've felt comefortable in owning. Great price, great construction, fantastic tone... I never play it anymore though... I think it's rusting away in my closet. It's been the longest time since I've laid hands on it...


I still hate LPs though...:mrgreen:

Is that a faded finish?

Any idea when u will be letting it go? ;)
Ok is my Illyana...

Headstock....sorry for bad quality. I suck at using the camera....

Full Piichherrr~~~

Shows thats its a full thicky~~

hey jugman thanks:D

this is no ordinary les paul nor does it sound like one,haha im sure other eclipse ppl will back me on that one...or...mayb not haha