Epl Thread

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come on all you arsenal fans!We lost , so what?Thats football, we can't win all the time....

next up, the in-form liverpudlians, may the best team win :D
Maybe the next time, Man U and Arsenal meet, Man U should let Arsenal win for the second time this season just to boost their confidence all over again. Pity our beloved Arsenal.....hate to see them get relegated :wink:
KissMyAxe said:
Maybe the next time, Man U and Arsenal meet, Man U should let Arsenal win for the second time this season just to boost their confidence all over again. Pity our beloved Arsenal.....hate to see them get relegated :wink:

coming from a team that only made it to the top division in 68 compared to a "never relageted" team .... funny U shud talk about relegation
fgl said:
KissMyAxe said:
Maybe the next time, Man U and Arsenal meet, Man U should let Arsenal win for the second time this season just to boost their confidence all over again. Pity our beloved Arsenal.....hate to see them get relegated :wink:

coming from a team that only made it to the top division in 68 compared to a "never relageted" team .... funny U shud talk about relegation

There is always a first time for everything... :wink:
dude.. although im a man u fan.. i dun see how Arsenal will get relegated?? :roll:

if they do get relegated, then Sheffield United will win the Premiership :lol:
imcorn said:
dude.. although im a man u fan.. i dun see how Arsenal will get relegated?? :roll:

if they do get relegated, then Sheffield United will win the Premiership :lol:

wahahaa.. If AFC get relegated, I will DONATE MY MAIN AXE TO charity!
Anyway getting back to business, whatever the repercusions, Pardew apologised to Wenger (Newpaper pg 49) and even the normally pro _ ManU / AFC bashing newpaper claimed that AFC should have had a penalty in the Hlep incident....

You all do REALISE now that AFC will want to bounch back and Liverpool will be visiting the Emirates stadium this weekend...rafa & co...you have been warned!
I'm a Man U supporter too... but AFC is equally a great and aggressive team. Just like Man U, their play may not be the cleanest, but the never-say-die spirit is all over the pitch just like any great football team.

Getting relegated will be a big wound on AFC, imagine Man U getting relegated, it is going to be just as bad.

Why change???

Eh Fgl you've change your avatar.......Why???? Just because Arsenal lost is it......come on be true to your favourite club which u defend so much.....You cannot win all the time what.....even when you had the perfect record...someday other team will beat you....it's football.....be a true fan and accept the fact.....and you really up the tempo by saying Arsenal gonna crush Liverpool when the two teams meet next.......what a load of bull.....what if Liverpool beat Arsenal???? How bout that......what next you gonna say.....Rafa paid off the refreee or the whole entire commitee.....well i have to wait for your next response.....it's always refreshing to hear what you say next when you are bashing other teams..........
i guess what we have here in someone (whom i shall not name :wink:) is the "Wenger" Syndrome: a self-delusional syndrome. made famous by the time when his players dived to win penalties but he "claimed" that he did see any of the dives :lol:

but when the other team commits a foul.. then he sees it crystal clear :roll:.. wonder who's his eye doctor.. hmm
Re: Why change???

Deanz said:
Eh Fgl you've change your avatar.......Why???? Just because Arsenal lost is it......come on be true to your favourite club which u defend so much.....You cannot win all the time what.....even when you had the perfect record...someday other team will beat you....it's football.....be a true fan and accept the fact.....and you really up the tempo by saying Arsenal gonna crush Liverpool when the two teams meet next.......what a load of bull.....what if Liverpool beat Arsenal???? How bout that......what next you gonna say.....Rafa paid off the refreee or the whole entire commitee.....well i have to wait for your next response.....it's always refreshing to hear what you say next when you are bashing other teams..........

If SOMEHOW pool beat AFC at Emirates .....then confirmed RAFA bribed ref, linesman & reserve ref.... BUT LETS CROSS THAT BRIDGE WHEN WE GET TO IT...sorrry IF you get to it!
To all the forumites who check out & post in this thread - LIGHTEN UP.... all my "tarok-ing, bribe ref, tekaning and other comments etc" all good natured fun!

Of course when AFC wins - its great but if we lose - its not the end of the world ....
i love fgl

ok i should be light-hearted..

urm...AFC will guarantee a win and it will be a tight match... :twisted:
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