fgl said:AT LEAST cHELSKI LOST AS WELL .... :twisted:
KissMyAxe said:Maybe the next time, Man U and Arsenal meet, Man U should let Arsenal win for the second time this season just to boost their confidence all over again. Pity our beloved Arsenal.....hate to see them get relegated :wink:
fgl said:KissMyAxe said:Maybe the next time, Man U and Arsenal meet, Man U should let Arsenal win for the second time this season just to boost their confidence all over again. Pity our beloved Arsenal.....hate to see them get relegated :wink:
coming from a team that only made it to the top division in 68 compared to a "never relageted" team .... funny U shud talk about relegation
imcorn said:dude.. although im a man u fan.. i dun see how Arsenal will get relegated?? :roll:
if they do get relegated, then Sheffield United will win the Premiership :lol:
Deanz said:Eh Fgl you've change your avatar.......Why???? Just because Arsenal lost is it......come on be true to your favourite club which u defend so much.....You cannot win all the time what.....even when you had the perfect record...someday other team will beat you....it's football.....be a true fan and accept the fact.....and you really up the tempo by saying Arsenal gonna crush Liverpool when the two teams meet next.......what a load of bull.....what if Liverpool beat Arsenal???? How bout that......what next you gonna say.....Rafa paid off the refreee or the whole entire commitee.....well i have to wait for your next response.....it's always refreshing to hear what you say next when you are bashing other teams..........