Epl Thread

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all laughter goes to man u... after spending soo much on players, they bore no fruits... even on a crippled 10 man team at their HOME GROUND!!

what a shame to man utd... and ferguson always showed his watch like as if they are wasting time not scoring any goals...

i think it was a nice weekend with nice goal lines. and i hate the commentary, makes me wanna just watch it mute
nak : so far, throughout the whole weekend, commentary sucks. there are instance whereby both commentators will have a min of silence and when finally both of them will meet a breaking point and pop out a question. they did not sound natural and and there was no passion...

well ..well...well...
look whose talking.
What do i know... :roll: :roll: :roll:
but i can make good commentary in malay though.
I felt that the commentary was ok, not as biased as before, but there were times I was bored out of my mind, but not during the arsenal match though, as their football style is attractive enough to keep me entertained.

The new commentators are more neutral to me, Last season I could feel that most of them were on the same old scripts, failing to give the benefit of a doubt till the replays manage to prove them otherwise.

Also, I liked their feature special just before each match, highlighting the new signings and the behind-the-scenes story-line eg, Bolton Vs Newcastle (Big Sam returns -Helipad scene), I felt that it was both entertaining and informative in its purpose of enlightening the viewers of what to expect and to appreciate the competitive dynamics of each match.

Kudos to Channel 27 for that! :D
the commentator annoyed me during the arsenal/fulham match when he kept talking about lehmann's messup again and again
no more andy gray and martin tyler... now is the boring football channel people...

Espn-starsports channel didn't BID as HIGH AS STARHUB DID and so they lost the bidding and could not telecast ppl anymore by SKY-SPORTS...

there are i think 5 telecasters at britain and Sky-sports is one of the biggest and instead of starhub buying them, they bid effing high for football channel which is a result to why they have to increase the stupid monthly payment to 10 bucks more....

basket sia, they bid high, WE PAY THE PRICE!
I thought they are playing the exact same thing as in England. No more Martin Tyler and Andy Gray? Bummer...I loved their chemistry.

fgl can never do commentary! 'Coz everytime it'd be ARSEnal, ARSEnal and ARSEnal...
kissmyaxe also just recovered his "face" after manu debacle - now slowly coming back t EPL thread ....woooooooooooooooooooo :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :D
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