Epiphone: Valve Jr (Head)

Actually, both of them have no much difference... It's is just tat the price is different. If u have cabinets at home, u might as well buy the head because the price is cheaper than the combo.It's really up to u to buy which one.
Alrite thanks..I wonder if clean boosting it with an Xotic RC Booster helps..cos I currently use the RC Booster to boost my Fender Frontman 25R, its on all the time :)
if clean is your thing, the VJ is a good pick
it's a real gem. haha. i dont own one personally, but a few of my friends and i bought one for a dear friend for his bday. enjoy your new toy! :D it's really great, simply put.
Now I`m thinking of upgrading from my combo version to the head+cab version :)

Is a standby switch for this really needed since the head doesn't have one? I heard having a standby switch is most essential for prolonging the lifespan of the tubes..is it possible to have it installed?
Head and cab! This is one super amazing amp! Superb cleans with lots and lots of bottom end..

Try putting it through 2 10" Jensens.. :twisted:

I don't know about the Standby switch, but I know Seekz has mods for the Valve Jr.! Orange drop capacitor mod I think.. Maybe ask him?
I`m still deciding though on whether to upgrade to head+cab..since my combo version can connect to a cab..should I just get only the cab instead to connect to my combo?