Epiphone G-400 or City Music's Beginner's Electric Package?


New member
Hi all, I've been interested to get an electric guitar for a long time, but I really don't know how long my interest for it will last. I am considering either the Epiphone G-400 Custom that Swee Lee is currently offering @ $500 or getting the Beginner Electric Guitar Package @ <$300 offered at City Music. Has anyone actually bought/tested that guitar in the package? Should I play along with a cheaper guitar first before getting a better guitar like Epiphone?

For amps, I am thinking of getting something from the classifieds here. Anyone with bad experience (bad condition amps etc.) purchasing the stuffs advertised here?

I don't think I will go too much into theories because I am just interested to play songs. I don't think I'll want to take guitar lessons either.

Any help is appreciated, thanks!
Heya! Firstly, welcome to soft! :)
Okays, imo, Sweelee overprices it's stuff, I bought my Gibson SG Standard for 1.8k while SweeLee sold it for $2k the last time I checked. (that's a big profit they make!)
As for guitar packages, $300 is a little on the pricier side, u might want to pay a visit to Davis (located at basement of Peninsular Plaza!), I saw some pretty cheap packages that includes everything + amp for $100+ to $200+ :D
Make sure to try out every single guitar, looks don't matter, it's the sound, action(playability), and feel of it!
Have a good time in this hobby my friend :) feel free to email me @ eragonraiyan@hotmail.com if you've any questions, I may not be that good, but I may know a thing or two :)

Oh yea, this forum, like the world out there, has both bad and good people, some may try to cheat your money by selling u a damaged but good looking amp/guitar, so watch out and test everything first!
greetings my friend
, welcome to guitardom where things tend to get a little excessive at times...

i applaud your prudent approach in trying to equip yourself with something deserving upon starting out. there's no harm in buying a packaged deal, as long as you can get along with what's on offer. from a personal perspective, i'd say you can get a more worthy purchase by not going the starter pack way...

more importantly, try the instruments you wish to purchase, go with what you like in terms of feel & tone. colour & brand names are secondary considerations.
Check out the Swing, Smash and Rally guitars from SV Guitars as well, they're very good for what you pay.
look for everything over at the classifieds section.

when dealing bring along a experienced geetarist to help you ascertain the condition, you'd be better off starting off this way