Epic outright scam/fraud in soft!!!!


New member
As usual shall not mention names or wad to protect identity,
though i dun see the point to hide the identity of this MR NICE TRADER in soft..


for those who dunno wad has happen..
this is the story...(the link above)

so my dear frend he actually speak to him nicely..
and wanna sort things out peacefully as advice by the fellow softies..
instead of wanting to solve it..
MR NICE TRADER instill in a refund or he press charges..
and trying to make my frend to sms back that my frend agree its my frend fault..
so my frend speak to him nicely and yeah....

and accuse my frend has commited a outright scam..
i still got somemore my frend sms pics..
but decided not to post them all jus in case u all saw MR NICE TRADER HP number..

now my frend is in a big dilema,
coz he realli cant afford the refund..
and MR NICE TRADER jus give my frend two choice..
Press charges or Refund..
so he decided he cant give in..

thanks ryanfoo in soft for calling and advise my frend for the decision..
anyway this serve as a reminder to all of us..
becareful with BUY/SELL stuff...

u never know the same thing will happen to u..
and lets hope the best for my frend...
and beware of white birds..
From what I've understand, it has been a few months ever since the trade had taken place. The person who took the gutiar could have done anything to the guitar by then.

I just think your friend should just ignore it. Both parties were mistaken, and the person who accepted the guitar did not check it on the spot at that moment. Its his problem. PLUS. There is no written agreements, thus his accusiactions do not hold water.
Besides, the judge won't bother. You kick up a big fuss but he'll ask you to settle this out of court
Ask your friend to also give him two choices lah.

Your friend could dare him to press charges.

lols...my frend jus want to have peace...
he dun wan to get involve in such things...
bt wad my frend cant take it is...
he tio accuse of scamming..
which is like very insulting..

surprising i didnt see any MR nice trader post,
saying i got scam..
point to ponder...
he can have peace by daring the buyer what... Some people thought your friend soft spoken, gives in easily and thought that this was a good chance to take advantage of him... reverse psychology dude haha.
surprising i didnt see any MR nice trader post,
saying i got scam..
point to ponder...

It's either he's smoking you, or he doesn't want to make a big fuss over it.
My best advice is to just let him do whatever he wants. I beleive that time is against him. It has been a few months and he never noticed anything? Very suspicious, IMO
he can have peace by daring the buyer what... Some people thought your friend soft spoken, gives in easily and thought that this was a good chance to take advantage of him... reverse psychology dude haha.

good thing my frend is broke..
or else he will stupidly give MR NICE TRADER the cash...
Some people may coin up excuses to obtain a refund of an item because they realise they dont like the item theyre buying.

Ive had such an experience before over a complaint of something v v insignificant yet the person claimed it was of utmost importance to him and thus pressing me to give a refund.

In your case the guitar was in his care for more than a week. in fact more than a month. He could have tempered with it as he wished and justify it as a flaw in order to get cash back from your friend.

Let him press charges. See how ambiguous his story is.
i think mr nice trader is way over his head. just remind ur friend to save all the sms-es and print screen the original threads and PMs or email notifications whatever works, just in case.

i don't think MTI handles trade disputes involving ONE item. So mr nice trader is just trying his luck to see what he can get out of your friend. Sure he can make a police report but he.has.no.case.whatsoever. I don't even think it'd go to court

so just chillout and tell mr nice trader to crow to whatever channel he wants to.
hey bro...jus saw ur post...

jus wanted to chip into the conversation.... i had this law elective module in sch and we had a topic on online sellin and the lawyer that taught us actually said that online shopping is actually dangerous cause you may get cheated, but u cant really sue the fella cause its something like a proxy sellin but not the actual guy. Eg if sillyboy sells u the wrong thing and u wanna charge, u gotta sue sillyboy... but who the hell is sillyboy? its jus a nick...

BUT, do not take my advice wholesale... can check it out first ya? hopefully everything is solved by now...
hey bro...jus saw ur post...

jus wanted to chip into the conversation.... i had this law elective module in sch and we had a topic on online sellin and the lawyer that taught us actually said that online shopping is actually dangerous cause you may get cheated, but u cant really sue the fella cause its something like a proxy sellin but not the actual guy. Eg if sillyboy sells u the wrong thing and u wanna charge, u gotta sue sillyboy... but who the hell is sillyboy? its jus a nick...

BUT, do not take my advice wholesale... can check it out first ya? hopefully everything is solved by now...

hmm this is interesting...
but anyway everything is solved le...
coz that MR NICE TRADER want to press charges..
so i think its solved le..
so good thing is my frend no need to pay back...
bad thing is still pending ah..
Mr nice trader only noticed something was wrong when he had the guitar for more than a mth? And still dare to threaten to ask for refund or press charges? Gosh.

Mr nice trader just wants to intimidate and extort money from ur fren. Tell ur fren not to give in.