Entertainers vs Musicians


New member
I don't know if this point is right. But i have been doing a lot of thinking about myself really, like why i don't have that "Big Great Smile" when i am up on stage, and i came to this conclusion...
I believe people on stage form 2 groups.
The musicians are normally people who do enjoy a music steered environment, likes the warm fun that everyone is just simply enjoying themselves and the musician just want to enjoy music with everyone.
However, the Entertainer is a little different, they do enjoy in a music environment and do like the warm fum of everyone enjoying music, but there is more, they also have a desire to direct people's feelings in the direct objective that they themselves are feeling. Meaning, they want to steer people to feel the same way as they do or the way that they want to feel.
Unlike musicians that just keep to themselves and enjoy the atmosphere, the Entertainer want to move the audience in a certain emotion than just enjoying atmospheres.
I guess that's why i am more a musician... am i right??? What do you think??
I really don't believe too much in X-Factor, but more on personal desires over that!!!
My guess is Norah Jones is more a musician than an Entertainer, that's why she behave the way she does, quiet and non-outgoing wise.
or it could be that these people just have more expressive faces.
World-class musicians like Timmons, Vai, Satriani, and Zaza grin and smile like mad when they're playing too.
entertainers vs musicians

what about elton john and barry manillow how do you consider them as a musician or entertainer?
ah that's nonsense talking dude,musician is musician,everyone that everyday do,love and live by music is musician...
entertainer...its a very subjective issue,i might say that simple plan is entertaining,but other peeps might say that they're bunch of kiddos that love to jump around and they're not entertaining at all...
cmon...everyone have different benchmark on determining whether someone is an entertainer....and entertainer is not always a musician...
do all musicians have to flash their smile and be friendly whenever the cam is on them?do you?
be yourself...
all musicians do want to direct people to one feeling,which is the atmosphere or the feel of the song...i find your concept of musician and entertainer is absurd...really absurd...sorry
Reyrey: You can't equate the two together.

Lets just say you're a musician... and all you can play is blah blah black sheep and majula singapura. Can you say you entertain the hell out of me?

The love and passion this is only critical to spur you on to improve your craft.
Its does not make you entertaining.

Being a musician just means you play music, a performer just mean you perform to an audience and an entertainer mean that you MUST entertain or you belong to the other 2 group.
bah bah black sheep also can entertain someone...not everyone i guess...but surely someone....your family? love one? how about bah bha black sheep in different arranging of playing style....played in blues? jazz.....any kind of song can be entertaining......

it is the listener how they thing of it......

playing something to someone who knows how to appreciate is already entertaining them.....

because you don feel it is entertaining doesn't mean in the world there is NO one feel that it is entertaining..... entertaining doesn't count by majority....just one audience is enough....
every musician is to a certain extent, an entertainer (even if he's just entertaining himself)

while an entertainer doesn't have to be a musician.

I consider myself more of an entertainer than a musician. I don't quite care about all that music theory and elusive musical nirvana, I just want people to have fun.
erictan said:
because you don feel it is entertaining doesn't mean in the world there is NO one feel that it is entertaining..... entertaining doesn't count by majority....just one audience is enough....

you arguing cos you wana win or wana increase your post count...

Do you need a stage "JUST to entertain your family?"

If you just love the music, then play your heart out at home or in the studio or to your girlfriend. Write your songs, explore all the different possiblities, aspects, styles, whatever.

If you are an entertainer, you simply need to deliver a polished and as professional as posible stage act, whether improvised or rehearsed. BECAUSE ENTERTAINER MUST ENTERTAIN... If not how to be called ENTERTAINER.... Wah lau eh...

Bottom line:
there's a difference between an entertainer and a musician.

There's no consolation if ur able to entertain ONE PERSON out of a crowd.
seriously thats cheating yourself.
I believe it's kinda obvious there is a difference between an entertainer and a musician. Sometimes really wonder what the source really is, could it also be the showmanship skill that many musicians lag, or really ain't interested in. Or could it have anything to do with personality, like introvert or extrovert??? Or could it be environment??? Becos one got to admit, some musicians who are really technically good ain't entertaining at all, and some entertainers who are really good in showmanship ain't musical at all.....
This thread is hilarious.

Why can't everyone be a bit of both? Or a mix of both in different degrees? haha. I don't personally think that there is a general consensus of how much of a 'musician' we must be over 'entertainers' or vice versa. But its pretty much obvious we all have different functions using music as a tool for expression. I find Weird Al more 'contrived' but is as hilarious as Mr.Bungle albeit in a different way. Meshuggah is damn fierce, but Nirvana, RATM, early Alanis Morisette, even lil Avril Lavigne (I love her songs) all release their pent up frustrations in their personal ways. I guess the moral of the story is, it dosen't matter what the hell you do or how you do it. Do it GOOD.
if you play bad music, you are a bad entertainer.
if you play good music, you are a good entertainer.

the point here is music.

like purplehaze3691 what said, you can play lousy music but still be an entertainer by being a clown. :lol:
soft said:
if you play bad music, you are a bad entertainer.
if you play good music, you are a good entertainer.

the point here is music.

like purplehaze3691 what said, you can play lousy music but still be an entertainer by being a clown. :lol:

wat abt them pathetic 3 girls in low cut / mini skirts prancing along to a midi files keyboardist bands at many nitespots?
I think what the thread-starter is saying is visual vs purely aural. Although aural is entertainment, people (esp young ones today) are more visual. While a person may play great music, if he looks like a block of wood on stage, he may not be seen as being entertaining. Get somebody like William Hung - many find him "entertaining" despite his singing.

"Entertaining" is a wierd word...

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