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I don't really get it. Why is Everyone dissing emo. Just because people listen to Fall Out Boy and My Chemical Romance, which is totally not emo although they claim so, they think emo sucks. That's their impression. But fuck. Go put on some Thursday, The Used, Atreyu and some other emo bands and then think about it. Stop talking shit of a genre when you don't even know it's history or what it is about. And just because emo doesn't shred or double pedal fast enough like some metal or other songs you can go around saying emo sucks. Music is not all about being very talented. It's all about how you appreciate it and how you deliver. That's in my point of view. If you still think music is all about being very good in it, you are arrogant and stupid. Whats the point in being good when people don't appreciate what you play. And just because you think that emo sucks because emo people wear tight band tees, girl pants, slit wrists and cry and you think they're pussys. There's nothing wrong it it. At least they're not alien. They enjoy listening to emo and being who they are rather than pretend to be some metalhead with the nice accesories and then don't even know how to play the guitar. I just don't get it why people have to comment on emo.

Go ahead and say im a poser. But its the truth.
I don't slit wrist,cry,dress emo.
I listen to emo though!
personally i think they are dissing the so called lifestyle some twits have come up with it, ie the wrist slashing, sobbing craps plus their way of dressing. i have to say, some bands purposely catching a ride on the emotional wagon (LOL) like those generic pop bands deserved to be dissed really.

stuff like those you mentioned actually have great music too (although some might label them under other genres), maybe the dissers are too shameful to check them out, and diss them cos its cool to hate
Everybody diss everybody's music. The shredders diss the non-shredding music for the lack of technicality. The non shredders diss the shredding music for playing too many notes. The rock fans diss the pop music for being coporate minded and making music for the love of money. The pop people diss the rock music for being too loud and not knowing wat the hell they are singing.

So it doesnt just happen to emo, it happens to all types of music. Jus ignore the critics and njoy the music u love. Thats the most important thing. Life's too short to be miserable and criticising other people's taste in music. :wink:
Hmmm... I'm a technical person. I love to hear good playing on any song, any time of the day. Of course, by "playing" it would also include singing, the song writing and what not. Plus, I want soul in the music.

But I don't/can't seem to get the kick out of emo. Really can't. I get tired of it even though they are supposed to have soul but there's a lack of technicality. Same with Dream Theatre, I get tired of it despite all their technicality, I feel they fail in the soul dept.

Thats just me. Arrogant? Hmmm.... well, its just a strong preference. Do I think music is abt being very good at it? Yes. You wanna sing, you better be able to sing and not be substandard I dunno, punk? , shouting, hollering and screaming. No need to shred, or double pedal, but don't make the whole album sound the same like Nickleback.

Well, I would think that this thread would be a GREAT discussion, but it will prob have some flames... so yeah, thread starter, prepare yourself for that. :) I'm too bored at work now...
Yeah! I think what you said were great!
I thougt i'll hear something like
"you suck" "emo sucks"
Im ready for everybody comments now.
and if you were refering to my thread about the "we're going DADAAAAAAAAAA".
i'm sorry.
i wasn't making fun at emo.
i just found the video funny.
Nuh im not reffering to you.
Aniwae Fall Out Boy is not emo to me.
There's a lot of people who is ditching me right now.
Im just asking for comments.
Okay I'll to make this sound as clean and non offensive as possible....

When you have a personal problem , for instance say your girlfriend dumped you because you did not meet up to her expectations , do you think by cutting your wrist or slitting your waist or even attempting suicide from a 10 storey building etc is gonna solve the problem? Is cutting yourself gonna make your girlfriend come back to you?

Yes you can say "I'm just expressing my feelings , why can't I do some harm to my body?" You should not let your feelings destroy yourself because by doing that , what do you gain out of the entire process?

My point being is that cutting your wrist , slitting your waist , jumping from a 10 storey building and other kinds of action that does harm to your body should never be used to solve our personal problems.

When we hear emo songs with suicidal lyrics in it , what kind of message are they(the band) trying to convey? That jumping from a skyscraper due to our own personal problems is normal?

Just imagine you are trying to give your friend moral support after him going through a painful breakup and feeling suicidal , no matter how much you comfort him , he still refuses to accept it and move on with life. Worst still , 1 year down the road he still is the same old suicidal him with a few additional physical scars to add to his collection , won't you feel kinda angered and sad at the fact that he refuses to move on? Then you will start to wonder , "Damn , what the hell has MTV music become? That bands proclaming that cutting your wrist is a norm in society?" Won't you feel as a friend that the music he listens to is indirectly destroying his life?

Although I can say that most MTV listeners don't put theory into practical but nonetheless there are some who do it. I really feel sorry for them....

Once again you start to wonder , what the hell has MTV music evolved to?
wat's with punk anyway?

i mean, there's no solos, the best things of a song, and the chord progressions are like sooo standard and uncreative, u can hear them repeated. and too much distortion, but the drums are not bad. but the singing is the one that puts me off the most. the singing sux, just screaming, with that kiddy puberty-broken voice guy. oh man i totally dislike punk rock
people like to diss stuff when its suddenly cool to diss the said stuff for some reason

look at metallica, they were revered for 2 decades until st anger came out suddenly everyone hated them

thats why i always call this whole dissing thing, the st anger syndrome
Paperpunk said:
I don't really get it. Why is Everyone dissing emo. Just because people listen to Fall Out Boy and My Chemical Romance, which is totally not emo although they claim so, they think emo sucks. That's their impression. But love. Go put on some Thursday, The Used, Atreyu and some other emo bands and then think about it. Stop talking shit of a genre when you don't even know it's history or what it is about. And just because emo doesn't shred or double pedal fast enough like some metal or other songs you can go around saying emo sucks. Music is not all about being very talented. It's all about how you appreciate it and how you deliver. That's in my point of view. If you still think music is all about being very good in it, you are arrogant and stupid. Whats the point in being good when people don't appreciate what you play. And just because you think that emo sucks because emo people wear tight band tees, girl pants, slit wrists and cry and you think they're pussys. There's nothing wrong it it. At least they're not alien. They enjoy listening to emo and being who they are rather than pretend to be some metalhead with the nice accesories and then don't even know how to play the guitar. I just don't get it why people have to comment on emo.

Go ahead and say im a poser. But its the truth.
I don't slit wrist,cry,dress emo.
I listen to emo though!

dude..your so emo man....lol ok nah kiddin. but you shld see the really really emo kids frm the international schools like SAS, n then u'll know why they're always made fun of
tany said:
wat's with punk anyway?

i mean, there's no solos, the best things of a song, and the chord progressions are like sooo standard and uncreative, u can hear them repeated. and too much distortion, but the drums are not bad. but the singing is the one that puts me off the most. the singing sux, just screaming, with that kiddy puberty-broken voice guy. oh man i totally dislike punk rock

thats punk. not, punk rock.
I personally listen to alot of genres and i feel, if any music are to be done, they should be done with tastes. Sure you can do pop like John Mayer, and, do it with flavours. Music to me is very much an art. I'll define art as forms of expressions. We will like to draw well for our art teachers to give us an A grade so we can show it proudly infront of our family and friends.

I'm sorry if this is too vague.
i think the thing that most people diss nowadays, isnt emo music per se, but the emo "im in the scene" fashion that people wear. what do you guys think?

i have nothing against emo music, but i do have something against the "emo fashion" that these kids use. like wat angusyoung said about the international school kids. not stereotyping but when you walk down the street in town, these emo kids are everywhr with their eyeliner and all that.

i remember the days when emo music wasnt equated to eyeliner and tight tee shirts. correct me if im wrong, but just my honest opinion. no harm done i hope.
stereotypical... that's what most people's problem is with emo the music genre nowadays. and yup i agree with kiosai... it was an entirely different world with emo before they decided to associate wrist slitting etc. with it
i'm off topic.
but someone said something about art and something about expression and all....

why can't we write about deaths or someone dying or some macabre stuff on school english essays!?
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