electrico, SpanishFly, ZHEN, E.I.C. at RJC

hey guys..so sorry about the confusion. find rj students to get the tix!! hahaha.

the lead singer of EIC happens to be a pe teacher/rugby coach at RJ ^_^.
jeifen, please shine more lights onto the stage can? cause if dark dark very hard to click pix with my so-so camera.

jeifen said:
Leonard Soosay :D
I know you can't see me but right now I'm doing the 'rock on' gesture with both hands and vigorously headbanging at the same time.

I can't wait! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
jeifen: i wish i could. but i dont think the venue would have enough space for the whole OG of the business sch. :/ haha. isit possible to buy at the door? so if we have time, we might just drop by.
Hey Pepper...we're trying to sell as many tickets as possible. If pre-concert sales are good there won't be any left for door sales..