electrico, SpanishFly, ZHEN, E.I.C. at RJC

yeah absolut were so damn entertaining. and the lead guitarist's super cool! he kicked the monitor/speaker did you guys see! oh and i loved his playing too, sounded like some ancient nintendo game boy.
Thanks for the comments lurgee.. Sorry to hear abt the work-related probs..

On the brightside there's the Project Green Grass gig happening @ Youth Park this Apr 29.. :)
sound system was bad,it was kinda muffled. and the chairs kinda caused the crowd to be less enthusiastic.

spanishfly rocked though. :)
when i saw the photos, i was thinking can the people really hear what was mix by the FOH system or they're just listening to the stage mix and vocals thru the monitors? so is the sound system, FOH engineer, the venues or the bands that are causing the bad sound?

Maybe the prob's just due to some of the bands?

Anyway, here's a little something extra I did - an animated GIF of SpanishFly starting their set viewed from the backstage 8)

Re: huh?

Perplexed said:
Maybe the prob's just due to some of the bands?

Anyway, here's a little something extra I did - an animated GIF of SpanishFly starting their set viewed from the backstage 8)


haha, i look like a robot.
bernardgoh said:
when i saw the photos....... so is the sound system, FOH engineer, the venues or the bands that are causing the bad sound?

Heehee.... somebody did mentioned that one of the band kicked the monitor. Woah!! Active Mackies SRM used as stage monitors!! Wrong move dude.

If those were my stuffs, I would surely get pissed off too, and kill their sound.... hahahaha......

I wasn't there, but I saw in one of the pics what could be FOH speakers at the side of stage, quite big ones 2 flown on each truss. So I think the power should be definately adequate. Given a choice I'd put the FOH on the stage itself, to give that "In Your Face" sound.

Remember guys, even if those are rental equipments, always treat them as good or even better than your own. These things don't come cheap, somebody paid real money for it.
+1 to mikemann. stage antics need not always be equipment-destructive ala The Who. after all, this aint your stuff! 8)
zhen said:
Hi is that you Simon? hey lets work on getting together dat rock show we talked abt yesterday ya! it'll be fun to see an all nite prog rock show
Hey Wendy, sooooo sorry I missed Zhen's performance. I had to rush off for my 1st set. At least I had a sneak preview at your sound check and the new arrangement for 'Angel' is really interesting!

Ah yeah, a progrock show is nice! Will drop by Timbre for a discussion!
actually..cant blame the sound system..must blame the school design of the hall..so much reberb and stuffs..how to expect to hear..even the FOH engineer have hard time making the sound sounded better..at least you all can hear the vocals and stuffs can also..
lets say if you put them outdoor..how would the sound be..
correct not? yeah man.. :D
yeah..the design of the hall is bad...

thank you to everyone who came down, the bands, everyone who helped in one way or another.

biggest thank you to MR. SIVA who helped us with publicity by singing during assembly :P
Yeah, Respect the equipment..... :D always remember for gigs, speakers are not flying, so it means the speakers doesn't rig it in a way to throw to people standing too near the stage. you can only listen to stage mix. unless the venues, equipment and everything is design to let you stand near the stage. :)