Effect of Bigger Block on Floyd Rose

do you have some before and after recordings so we can hear the difference?


I actually thought of just... changing then later "see how" if I wanted to a/b.

And frankly.

I'm lazy.

Plus very satisfied.

In my review, I tried not to talk about stuff that wasn't so apparent. Hence, I only mentioned what was very obvious to my ears and hands. I've been playing the same guitar (same setup) for more than a year now... and I only have one main guitar, which I play everyday for a couple hours each day.
In my review, I tried not to talk about stuff that wasn't so apparent. Hence, I only mentioned what was very obvious to my ears and hands. I've been playing the same guitar (same setup) for more than a year now... and I only have one main guitar, which I play everyday for a couple hours each day.

I would think that the Brass block doesn't flutter as much as it used to right?
Yeap. Flutter is reduced but not eliminated. You can still get your fluttering stuff but the effect lasts shorter and is less pronounced.
shred bro yooo! If you do recording to a/b. How bout just sounding out fretted notes of individual strings using capo. There shall be no playing of guitar to do any melody lines, other than sounding opening strings note and capo fretted notes.

comparison of both, without the playing to mask the fundamental difference.

just a thot
ok bro, since we online BFF! I take your words, dont cheat my feeling ok!

anyway, wasnt just thinking bout the trem block a/b-ing. Was thinking that any a/b test shall have no playing and just sounding open strings and fretted notes.

What chaaa think?
ok bro, since we online BFF! I take your words, dont cheat my feeling ok!

anyway, wasnt just thinking bout the trem block a/b-ing. Was thinking that any a/b test shall have no playing and just sounding open strings and fretted notes.

What chaaa think?

Hee hee.

For some situations can lah... for some, don't make sense right? Like dirt pedals. People talk so much abt the sound - which is important - but ignore the feel part. That's why people comment about having "too much compression" and so on. So sometimes, you gotta play it normally.

Like a Zendrive to say... a Fuzz Face. Both make me play differently because the feel is totally different - so I have to p(l)ay to know.

Personally, I'm not so interested about the sound alone, though of course, it has to tingle my ears 1st before I bother about it.
heh, you have a point. I agree with ya!

hearing sound is important, as per tone in da finger!

Some hear sound and get tone from words in forums thou, hehe
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