People can accept a low-end guitar that is MIC. But people cannot accept a medium to higher-end guitar that is MIC. The same correlation applies in its prices. This negative MIC stigma is so deep rooted, and it is not going to change in the near future.
The quality of Edwards guitars are pretty close or at times on-par with its Japanese made cousins...a fact which most users can attest. However, from a sales and marketing point of view, facts means nothing...only how the buyers perceive about the quality means everything. And being MIC is already a negative perception.
Therefore, it is understandable why ESP/Edwards has previously tried to "conceal" the MIC information. If they had launched Edwards guitars with an MIC tag from the very beginning, the brand would not have taken off because very few people would buy them, especially at this price point. However, now that the MIC "secret" is out, Edwards sales figures may not be so badly affected...because people already know Edwards makes good and decent guitars.