Unfortunately, there is really no crash course. If one was very talented there was probably no need for such crash courses in the first place. However i think it's within anyone's ability to learn. Just like learning a new language. If your parents spoke German, Italian and French, you'll be able to speak all 3 languages well probably. The problem is most of us didn't start young and hence we try to accelerate our learning with gimmicks. As a kid most of the learning is unconsious effort so its easier. As an adult the effort is more conscious and being result oriented we give up easily. So this is the main problem rather than being 'tone deaf'. No one was born with good ears, only with the potential of good ears.
And for the so inclined. Check out material like,
Of course hire someone, preferably a pianist or horn player to help you work on the stuff in the right way. And btw, don't complain that these things are expensive, the number of guitars and pedals that most ppl have here will probably make up the GDP of an African nation. Discliam - NO offense to african nations, speaking in metaphors -