governments hypocrisy...
they talk all the BS about trying to deter people from smoking.....
steps like: ban public spaces for smoking, increasing the prices of ciggarettes, *shortening the length* of the cigarette, and we pay a few bucks more for that stupid pictures on the top cover of our boxes....
YET, they bring in new brands like break, halftime, B&W, virigina star lah bla bla bla and much more.....
HYPOCRISY! and now when people have invented something to curb the control of it, they don't allow it..
i have a friend who spends literally thousands on ciggs a year, wants to quit but somehow as seen somewhere in the thread, ciggs helps her voice.. LOL
yeah... i wanna quit too, hope u guys who brought this in can let me know the how to do's man... i can't afford my parents to know im bringing this in.. lol