The article you posted is to hightlight that the company was trying to promote smoking through advertisement. Which is illegal.
Also, the company wanted to market it as a cigarette replacement and not as smoking cessation. That makes a lot of difference!
yeah well, what u said is true... But confiscating e-cigs when smoking in public?? thats just outrageous.
the government wants to curb people from their smoking habits, fine good impose more tax, step up searches to find contraband smokers and handing them more fines... but the bottom line is, $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
government bodies are earning tax and fines money... and our loving government brings in NEW BRANDS of ciggs.. MOSTLY LOCAL BRANDS... which the names aren't spose to be said here as later i kena file chap 11 of the tobacco and something someting act.
in malaysia, there's a doctor whois promoting this e-cig to his smoking patients and it helps his patients.... his proposing to the government to advertise this AS a smoking cessasition and aid smokers to eventually quit.
from my own standpoint, the government isn't tackling the problem of smoking, instead, they are pretty much adopting the get rich quick scheme. Smokers don't quit instantly after getting a huge fine, nor will they deter from smoking if the prices keeps on shooting up up up... So yeah, it's pretty much a useless way to get us people to quit....
maybe someone should take this up to a MP and propose this idea to the parliament!! :twisted: