Drumming In HDB how to deal with "noise"


But she still a bit like want me to TOTALLY stop n gave me the weird timings like "MAYBE" 12-3pm to play. How to prac at that time w work?

See…it happens – some people (not all neighbours here) just take advantage of it – They thought “ We gave In To Them After They Made A Complain” – To this sort of neighbours – Tell them “ Being nice and compromising – IS NOT AN ACT OF SUBMISSION TO THEM” – they just got it all wrong.

Kekekeke – or you can now have a better excuse telling the lady - – “The Indian Uncle downstair who knows how to appreciate Music, call me to drum as he love my drumming- while you on the other hand ask me to stop drumming ” – See.eee Madam I cannot please everyone especially the whole world mah – so I guess – that’s life here lah – Just try to get use to it – I hope you would….Kekekekeke.

ALternatively - you can tackle her daughter if she have one - Kekekeke - Problem solve Whahahaha ! (Joking here)
On the 12 Jan 2008 (past 2 Satuday)...The School Band that is just behind my block - was playing and practicing from 10am till night 9pm..... (It seems they camp there for training) - and It's loud cause they are practicing Wind Instrument....I can't even Sleep - but I am not angry...It was real loud.ddddddddddddd.

To me Noise is noise mah - Anyone Can Go complain lah - Shoot them Arrow - cannot go in or masok one...Because it's a School Band. (they are the Top Secondary School Band here).

so.ooooooooo MUST JOIN Soft's DXS Membership (get a Membership Card - got class one - not Paper type, cause the CC is paying for it and want us to have a Nice & Beautiful Membership Card) - - - So, maybe we flash this DXS/PA Card to Police, HDB Officer, Neighbours On to their Face when they tell us rudely or demanding us to stop drumming (unreasonably) ..... This is last resort, hope this card is like Tanka (protection) like that - cause it bears DXS & PA Logo there......implying - The Government Encourage This Social Drumming Activities and they want us to GROW, got problem like that meh - If have, we ask our PA Chairman to help...how to grow Drummers lah - when they don't allow drumming....

So they will say - Can can sure can drum - but at Reasonable Hours....Of course lah - The Policeman as mention above actually say "Everything also cannot - as long as people complain".....Hahahahahaha which is true - You can complain to HDB "Neighbours talk too loud" "Sing too Horribly" - or "Neighbour's Daughter too ugl;y - you don't like to see her face ...Kekekeke" .........like that Policeman, HDB Officer all see-beh-bo-eng liao.

It’s a “ Buddy Rich” or “Filthy Rich” Scenario - - - To us you can be Filthy Rich (but if Character is Fxxk Type) can go to hell we can’t be bothered anyway. But if you are “Buddy Rich” (with a nice humble sharing great attitude) – you’re our Idol man. …. Kekekeke……. Maybe to the neighbours – it’s the opposite, cause they are no drummers.
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if live in EC and i go playing drums, will i kena anything? was thinking maybe same rules which works for HDB might not apply here. whats your take guys?
Yes EC rules are like Condo, different from HDB one ... Kekekekeke. However there is still a solution - either Sound-Proof the Room (cost 10K) or move to a HDB Home if all else fail.... Be my neighbour ....
Yes EC rules are like Condo, different from HDB one ... Kekekekeke. However there is still a solution - either Sound-Proof the Room (cost 10K) or move to a HDB Home if all else fail.... Be my neighbour ....

does that mean i cant drum?

i'd rather die than not be allowed to drum T~T
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You can - but you have to make your neighbours "Buy It" - that they don't mind you drumming at their EC. That I can't teach you - EC and C have their own Rules..right?...sorry.
dont worry bout it brother jenocide .. heh... the will to drum should and can supersede every obstacle you have towards drumming

if ur at the nxt xchange, lets have coffee after xchange and i'll share with you some stuffs as the living embodiment of a "drummer without drums" at the maximum level...haha!!!

i know most would rather have a "practical" or bang-the-wall approach (ie. i wish i was rich! i don't care i just want to whack loud loud neighbour go and die/I can only practice on REAL drumset, no compromise lor)

but life in 2008 in a modern city state, there are all these limitations we have to accept... limited space, time, resources ($$$)

just like a lot of things, the most important thing is our mental approach... keeping an open mind, adaptability etc.

embrace everything and make use of additional opportunities (such as the DXS foundation we are trying to build here)!

dont worry bout it brother jenocide .. heh... the will to drum should and can supersede every obstacle you have towards drumming

if ur at the nxt xchange, lets have coffee after xchange and i'll share with you some stuffs as the living embodiment of a "drummer without drums" at the maximum level...haha!!!

i know most would rather have a "practical" or bang-the-wall approach (ie. i wish i was rich! i don't care i just want to whack loud loud neighbour go and die/I can only practice on REAL drumset, no compromise lor)

but life in 2008 in a modern city state, there are all these limitations we have to accept... limited space, time, resources ($$$)

just like a lot of things, the most important thing is our mental approach... keeping an open mind, adaptability etc.

embrace everything and make use of additional opportunities (such as the DXS foundation we are trying to build here)!


i have been living with......
SOFT Imaginary series drums!~!

comes with EVERYTHING a softie can dream of!!!

lol no lah joking, but yea, i have to make do with air drumming to learn songs, pillows/phonebooks/textbooks for rudiment practice, stomping the floor for double bass pedal training...


i sooooo need your advice...
lol do what i do. buy double pedal, put a matress on the wall.. Practise. Buy practise pad stack alot of books in between ur legs act as a stand.. Now Just waiting till Cny sell of some stuff get cash and buy and e-kit :)
lol do what i do. buy double pedal, put a matress on the wall.. Practise. Buy practise pad stack alot of books in between ur legs act as a stand.. Now Just waiting till Cny sell of some stuff get cash and buy and e-kit :)

real kit still nicer lol, gives you more "feeling"

then again... i think i might have to put off my plans to buy a kit already... such a shame... sigh... BUT MY PASSION SHALL NEVER DIE!!! RAWR!!!
There are some neighbours who don't hear anything. I've been playing drums at home with no sound proof for quite some time but there isn't a single complaint.
Out of curiousity, I asked my neighbour about it. She told me that she heard the sound but it's only audible when she's in the kitchen. haha.
Maybe I'm not a loud drummer after all!

Anyway, what my friend did was that he gave his neighbour his number and in case if the neighbour wants him to stop, he can give him a call. It's better to call him before calling the police. Hope this helps.
Dear all drummer enthusiasts,
I'm new here.
I got interested in drumming since i was small, but didnt had the chance to learn... and nearly gave up the hope of learning cos of a few reasons. The biggest reason is obviously the "noise" as I live in a HDB flat of 25 storeys.

Only recently, I decided to learn by myself. (I'm overseas now and there's a studio that I can use) I usually play and practise by myself for about 1-2 hours when I have time.

The biggest dilemmas that I have now is
1. How can I stop neighbours from complaining in the first place? I don't really want them to come complaining and me explaining everything to them. And, if I stuff an acoustic with clothes curtains etc, it wont really feel and sound what it should.

2. So, to prevent too much trouble, should I buy an acoustic or electronic? For electronic, can you wear headphones so that no sound can be heard from the outside?
I'm wondering how different is the "feel" of an acoustic and electronic drum. Is it VERY different, or is it very similar?

3. Also, what about the maintenance of the drums? Is acoustic easier to maintain or electronic?

The price of acoustic and electronic is not that different over here. Acoustic is about S$1000 and electronic is S$1200 so the decision lies in these few factors.

Hope the experts here can advice me.

Thanks a lot! I really hope I can get a kit soon. I've been waiting for 15 years for it... T_T
HDB just called me yesterday afternoon - Someone complain about my drumming.

The Officer (I will not mentioned who a friend of mine) call me and said the guy went to HDB and Bang-Table, speaking to them great anger....They told him "Call The POlice"....The man got even angrier saying" I did, and the police told me to speak to you all"....

Well - like mentioned before the police did came up my place and I asked them "Yes, Officer - Is there a Problem" - they said no so I carry on drumming.

I only drum from 7pm and will end not later than 9pm (only 2 hours)....and I dont drum everyday only 3 times probably as I have Rehersal in the night.

See - I told the HDB Officer (which is going to speak to him soon) - That I do have my certain rights here, I have my right to drum till 10pm, but I did not (stop at 9pm) - That's what I did and not everyday.....

In propose that he come talk to me (if he is unhappy) - and lets see where we can tradeoff - but he have to talk nicely to me here - cause I own That Right (drumming within my own home at appropriate hour)...

Let see what happens now...
Hahaha..that's how unpleasant neighbourhood disputes begin.

Yes you have the right to make noise until 10 pm...and there's nothing your neighbour can do about it.

But your neighbour can get nasty and buy a lion dance drum, bang it from 7am every Sunday morning when you try to sleep in...or maybe he can play along with your drum practice to put you off your groove?

Remember the Everitt Rd saga that eventually ended up in court?

Living in close proximity with others is not always easy...but even more difficult for people with noisy hobbies ..like drumming :-)
If have future plans to buy a HDB, go for 2nd Floor...and those point block design type...those are quite isolated in a way..

I guess that is less likely to disturb others....

Cause that is where I am living...so far..no problem...cause downstairs there is noone......on the left and right are my own rooms...only concern is upstairs which I guess close my windows...perfectly ok...and of course I don't blast....just play normal controlled strokes....