Drumming In HDB how to deal with "noise"

I know all you Drummers are very considerate person, always having a thought for your Neighbours...that's highly commendable (I really mean it). I did that too initially finding countless way to keep Sound Level down for others and I had been doing that for at least 6 months eg. using all the above you have all mentioned, and somehow my drumming suffer..it's True.

Drumming is really all about "Feel", you will not be able to play consistently in the same manner when a drummer switch his playing using different object or playing on different object (This is especially true, when you are VERY NEW and is A Learning Drummer - A Learning Drummer I said) as it happens to me. Not that my Drumming never improve (it did) but at extremely low pace.

Oneday I got so angry with myself (not that I dont practice and is lazy)_ I couldn't care less - I took out all Muffler from my Kit, stop using Pad for stroke-Practice - and I just DO IT ON THE KIT itself......and then I realise, nothings beat the Real Thing. I improve tremendously because I FEEL it. Everything was real - the Rebound, the sound etc - and I began to have better control over my playing cause I could listen better to the sound I am creating.

I am not promoting Drummers - to be less considerate for their neighbours, but - I do not want Drummers to suffer too due to the above. So, if possible - Take out every possibilities and Opportunity to Practice on a Real Kit - Nothing Beats It for improvement.

Because of this reason - as a Victim Of Circumstances here - I encourage "Fight For Our Own Rights In A Resonable Way" ....to drum happiliy and improve ourself.

Just My 2cent
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That is very true, Thanks Rd anything we call you to start a drumming campain anything u be our leader kekeke (:
I was just thinking (wicked thought just came across my mind suddenly) – I really wonder if any or at least some of you experience this.

I use to play very very soft (muffle it as much as possible) because – my drumming bery the chai-lat (Even I can tell that my drumming sucks last time) – so better play as soft as possible – but when I have better confidence

After taking lessons at Music Lab – now that I can play a little better (don’t mean fantastically good – but ok lah not bad) – I play as per normal on the Kit (meaning I’m not shy any more when I practice at home)….I play as per normal with no muffle at all.

I was just thinking – If oneday I can play well – maybe I should Mic-Up my kit, then put the 2 big big speaker facing outside the window…and Drum to my heart content …. Then people can hear – across the road..maybe they will think to themselves “Who is the Awesome Drummer drumming har?” kekekekeke….or “ I think I better kill that fellow who is drumming”….. I think most likely the former…hahahahaha !…

Joking only here (or maybe not) – but please don’t bash me here.

hahahah thats what i thought. exactly the same. used to play softly. and pretty shy now ok already. but still, never play gig before..... :rolleyes:
Hi all!

Here to share my experience:
I am the latest victim of complaints from neighbours.

I have very understanding neighbours right below me (they are fellow Christians) and are perfectly fine with me practising etc. Just that when they have special needs they'll tell me to stop. So I am so blessed by them.

But HDB ppl came 2 days ago n said that the neighbours living further down (I stay on the 7th floor) are complaining and they advised me not to "play so often".

This really dampens my spirit and enthusiasm as I thought I am just on track for my renewed zeal (partly cos of my newly bought double pedals!) to practise. I understand my neighbours' plight as I myself would hate to have these loud hammering sounds going away continuously for 1 hour+ daily.

Hai, I know HDB nor the police can't do anything except to "advise" before 1030pm but that's not what I would want. So what should I do?

1) Heck care and just keep playing? n disturb ppl's peace?
2) Knock on every neighbour's door and ask who complained and work out a schedule?
3) Electronic drums? (hate the feel of these...)
4) Quit drumming and be an E gutarist/ bassist/ keyboardist where u can prac anytime of the day n not disturb anyone.

My gf said that the only way is to buy a 1st or 2nd storey HDB.
I say get a secluded (corner) landed. What say u guys?

-> How do u guys prac?!

Peace n love,
Zong Geng (Asaph)
Even landed doesn't necessarily solve the issue. I've friends who play in landed, neighbours also complain, cops also come. I'd say... secluded warehouse in an industrial estate.

I would go for option (2). Sometimes people react differently if they see that you are an actual person, and if you are sincere. It's easy for them to call the cops on someone whose face they don't even know. Maybe they just had a new-born child, or stuff like that. If you and I were them, we'd be pretty pissed too.

I would:
1) Find out who it is that I unconsciously 'offended'.
2) Apologise, maybe bring some fruits.
3) Make them your friend. If they're nice folks, they'll give a young sincere chap a break.
4) Propose a compromise
5) Joke and promise them front row tickets when you become a rock star :D

I can tell ya, playing eguitar through headphones is almost like playing on e-drums. Even though the feel on the hands is the same, you miss the way the sound vibrates outta the amp and into your face.

Another instrument that is even harder to play at home is the sax. It is so freaking loud!

Alright, all the best with your situation mate...
In response to the hot rods, i dun think it's a solution cos it is the bass drum that disturbs the neighbours, not the cymbals n drums cos their sound will only travel about in the room.
Thanks Weckl-X! (I love Dave Weckl.... Let's share some of his cds some day!)

Yup, I agree, face-to-face always best, as Jesus taught it. But I have so many neighbours! How to knock on every one of them?
Would HDB reveal who complaint?

I wonder how do u guys prac?

I know Tama Goh has his own studio in YMS, waterloo street (heard he opens it up for ppl to watch him prac. Is it true? Let's go someday!)
But I wonder how he practises before he got this studio... Hmm..
No need to knock on every-door. Even if you have knock on the right door of your Singaporeans neighbours who make the complains - They will say "No lah - I never complain" - and after closing the door - they will laugh from behind (don't let them know or feel - They have succeeded in making you stop DRUMMING) that's the last thing you wanna do ! ........ instead - Just Play as per normal - as long as you have on your part be considerate in your own way (Dont play too early nor too late - and control a little on the sound) - that's all. (We don't ask someone - Can I watch TV at my home? - Your Home Is Your Castle, you reserve the right to do what you want under reasonable circumstances and owe no one an apology or anything)...

In fact, HDB will and should never disclosed who make the complain (it's a regulation there)....so you won't know who lah. and I believe Condo will have more complains than HDB when it comes to playing drums.

Weck is correct: - next time you blow a Trumpet (make it sound very loud and terrible) - then neighbours come knocking on your door saying "Hey hey ..Hello there - Can you stop playing the Trumpet - Play Drums lah, sound better" - Then you say "You Say one har - Don't complain me" Kekekekeke - it really works - at least here - Drumming sounds better, cause we dont know how to blow-Trumpet lah...Whahahaha ! - Great Idea Weckl.

Actually I did something like that also - When I was playing Drums loudly "I can hear people shouting - Aio...Aio very loudly" so I on my Hi-Fi lagi-Loudly ... they continue screaming. I on the Hi-Fi for 15 minutes tyhen off it. Continue playing my Drums for the next hour softer than my Hi-Fi - no more Aio Aio already - Guess they feel better....1st let them hear LOUDEST, then loud is nothing liao...

PS; - Yes it's true that Tama practice this way and he does open it up for people to watch (that is if you ask him lah) - He will practice from maybe 2am till 5am in the morning (you stand there watch him play, he won't talk to you as he focus on his drumming.)

Psss.sssh cannot say "Lets Go" - wait Tama faint lah - Hahahaha so many people go there ... YOu really wanna go watch him practice har?.

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wah eric. u bery wicked ah... mic drums den put at window! hahahaha

anyways, which floor u live ah??? last time i play my drums very softly (hari raya time), den my auntie come from taxi(my house is facing the main road and the drum is near the window), come down can hear people drum already.. kekekeke

last time i open all windows, i happy2 shiok2 playalong song my friend call my hp kena stop, 2nd floor friend complain can hear... (i stay 8th floor)....

So far, no cops nor hdb officers came for my drumming (well other issues yea) but drumming so far no one have ever complained.. Thank God for my gracious neighbours.. :D

sometimes in the afternoon can get very hot open the door and windows, jam loud2 can head till the opposite building and the noise does echoes back and fro so people walking around can hear.. wooo hahaha!
HDB Drumming - Don't Skip a "Beat' !!

I read with enthusiast in this column ,I used to played guitar and bass. And I started drumming in my late prime (I think it is not to late if you intend to learned something you like). I just started 'serious" drumming last year as a "stress reliever" hobby and normally i practice in the studio. Two months ago around Nov 07' I had just acquired a Pear Export drum set an had started to "bang" the drum set. As of now I had tremendously improve my drumming with the "live" drumming , it is loud some time but I am lucky that due to my architectural position of the house, it had prevented the sound coming out of the house but still the next block can hear me. So far, I have yet to receive a complain. I still respect the hours of drumming like only drum in the day Like 10-5pm. U see bro! after I started drumming, I felt ? that drumming is not like other instrument, it is damn difficult to master cause all your 4 limbs is moving Phuh!! and there is no shortcut to drumming an if I i where to jam in a studio, missing a beat its like u disrupt the whole song. So the only way is to practice everyday and not discourage by the complaints . If my neighbours who complains I will tell them this (My Opinion ) :- when someone in the "coffin" below in a void deck, who normally bade for a sombre final farewell "usually the last day of the wake". Is it them or the bands-stand that played melodic tunes (loud), another group the Marching Bands(Loud) "the Blowers with Drummers of course" and the last (Loudest) its the drummers and the cymbals only . " Somehow In part of this life they ? this people are connected to drum (the beat!!) get the point , just ponder for a moment the words " The "heart is beating", why ? is called beat!! and why not :- heart is strumming or the heart is blowing. Huh!! it is the heart that kept the beats is the same way to drumming, the drum has to keep on "beating". It's the drummer which made it of course sound distinctive. Last word ,just keep on drumming Bro! don't skip a beat.U Never know one day maybe you'll be playing drum for your "neighbours who is complaining" when his heart beat stop!! , in the void deck of course .

Ps :-Many of whom i know played guitar more than those who played drums . thats why you could see in the musician wanted column, drummers across the genre are being sort after many times over then that of other musician.But I hope thinks would change...with the Drum Festival last year, Drummer Exchange Group and hugely addicted Soft Forums site like this, will eventually made people to be interested in drums .
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Let's do a petition to HDB for all drummers of SG. Anybody w me?

Hi all,

HDB came for the 2nd time today, n this time I opened the door. The HDB officer asked if I played drums again. I said yes. He say cannot play alr cos neighbours complain again. (The last time he told my bro to tell me to "play less often", which i did.)

He say HDB is private housing, so any sort of noise also cannot (when ppl complain). Plus he say my this neighbour very fierce and complained twice. Think he say one more time, have to write letter and maybe even go court (or the letter is alr on its way cos its the 2nd time).

Then I say I went to police ask b4, they say can play leh, but like 930-1030pm (exact range dunno. Will ask the police in a while.) He replied say cannot.HDB had rule stated out, n kept stressing HDB are homes for ppl (which I also empathise).

So i was getting more agitated and talked to him more fiercely, like SG 80% ppl stay in HDB, and SG now want to be arts hub. If can't prac at home how to have musicians etc. He keep saying no choice n if i play again, might have to go court.

Then my father came and talked to him nicely say it's my interest
(NEVER SAY U ARE TEACHING DRUMS FROM HOME N EARNING $$ - anybody knows anything about this?)
n asked the HDB officer to tell the person who complain to come settle w me, like work out a schedule or something, n he keep declining.

I also told him of this forum where many SG drummers share their experiences of drumming in HDB and many are ok. He replied say that's because the neighbours dun complain. I told him I have been playing for 6-7 years alr and nobody complain. I even worked out a schedule with my neighbours directly below me and all things are fine.

So I am guessing it might be either: 1) my double pedals (more bass drum sounds), or 2) my new cymbals (like china n A projection hats), or 3) new neighbours, or 4) neighbours who have new babies etc.

Am going to knock on the doors of my neighbours, whole block if have to, to see who complained n work out a compromise. Those fellow-forum brothers who are christians pls pray for me. (I really want to drum for God! How am I going to improve w/o prac?)

Am also going to try visiting the MP to see if he can help. Anybody has experience in this?

The HDB officer also said the only options are to prac in community centres, studios, open spaces etc. How to? N I asked him if bungalow ppl have the same prob, n he said the prob basically the same: u can't have noise like daily drumming around HOMES.

I rebut him saying what about construction work (like renovations) and piano etc. He say even for construction work contractors, they can only use small drills now. N he said the contractors also complain cos the sound difference is not the much, plus hampers their time with the small drills. Think they have use these kind of measures to pacify the complain Kings n Queens of SG.

He continued saying even pianos (n other musical instruments) actually not allowed if ppl complained. He shared about his own niece who couldn't prac her Guzheng after ppl complain.


I am leading a petition of signatures to HDB to take our (all musicians!) stand to them. Anybody for it? Pls help to spread the word.

Call me if u want to contribute to the list of musicians fighting for their own rights to play music, not only in HDBs, but also in Condos and private property.

Thanks for viewing,
Zong Geng - 90298259
Hey pakerdee,

Try not to use your china at your home drum set up. Its not really your fault,but in fact, its the timbre of the cymbal itself.
Tell Mr. HDB official to go do his homework before giving you empty threats.

The only way you'll go to court is if your neighbours sue you (or in this case, your parents because the house belongs to them), or if you threaten your neighbour and he files a police report.

Anyway I wrote up a bit about this type of situations, check out the link in marcdadrummer's post.
Thanks, I visited the neighbour w my gf n gave her my HP n unit no. Told her that if I too noisy she can call me.

But she still a bit like want me to TOTALLY stop n gave me the weird timings like "MAYBE" 12-3pm to play. How to prac at that time w work?

But no choice mah. So came home n re-adjusted my drums away from the wall that is nearer to her.

Funny thing is when my gf were doing our "rounds", my downstairs neighbours surprisingly said they were not bothered by the sounds, some said didn't even hear, and this Indian uncle best, said he enjoyed my drumming! ha.

So should I continue practising? Say half hour a day? But w this kind of prac time, how to get better? Was telling my gf hand rudiments take about 1/2 hour alr, not counting the leg rudiments and the eventual groove and fill studies.

How how how?
Yup... my immediate neighbours on my level can't hear me play at all even though I'm a very hard hitter and I don't hold back even when practicing at home. (long story on how I did it, haha includes moving your drumset into the store room and closing the door tight). The neighbour downstairs can't hear my bass drum too, except occasional hits when I don't close the door tight enough.

surprisingly its the neighbour upstairs who's making the most noise. Shrugs.