Drumming In HDB how to deal with "noise"

Rhythm Traveller

I am thinking of getting a Pearl Rhythm Traveller with muffles.. U guys think it would be enough to cancel out the noise level without any soundproofing to the walls?
It should be sufficient to cancel off most of the sound. I use mufflers on my kit, and its pretty silent. Just dun play late in the night or early morning though, as the thudding of the bass drum would still come through, especially at night. But for daytime, it should be fine.

Just be warned though, mufflers do change the feel of the drums somewhat. But i guess its a tradeoff for getting less sound.

Initially for the 1st few complaints, I am sure Police will turn up at your Door-Step, they might speak to you or they might now......(not forgetting Police knows your rights too), hopefully they speak to you courteously (if not thell them to do so - you are not a Criminal if you are simply drumming)..show you respect too....Body Language counts make sure they are courteous here in every way.

You must ensure you speak and communicate your rights here (for the younger drummers especially - wait Police thought aiyah you so young what you know about rights) speak your rights out....as long as you dont drum too late, try stopping at 9pm at most in the evening.

As complains goes to Police Post for this type of cases, after a while - the police will just feel (Aiyah same old crap) Bo-Chap Liao..cause you will be telling them the same old shit....

After a while - - - - hopefully Neighbours also get sian liao - complain complain also no use - that neber stop.....guess have to live with it....better still if they think - If you Cannot Beat Them - Join Them.....then next time - you will have Drum Challenge at your own neighbourhood - isn't that nice.eeeeeeeeeee?

Cheers !
Now I just use cloth all over my drum set, Theres less bounce but better for my speed traning :)

Its good to practice without rebound, however at the end of the day it's also essential to monitor one's progress on the drums as per how they should be played; incorporating rebound and all.

There was once I practised my 5 n 7 stroke rolls on pillows until I was quite satisfied with the results. However, when I play those rolls on the drums, it didnt sound a bit decent at all. I believe it was due to the reason that I was so used to not incorporating rebound such that when there's rebound, it felt weird. :p
just msg me anytime bro DH - 92952177. Haha. :D yea. But my main aim right now is to equal out my left and right power. So Rebound can be saved for jamming. Its not like I have a choice if i take off the cloth Police and HDB officers will come. So for the mean time I just use cloth ha. But I admite it does not feel as good as playing normally. haha.
My sympathies to those trying to practise drums in apartments or homes where noise nuisance to neighbours is a problem. It's an impossible situation.

All the measures you take to lessen noise only serves to adversely affect your drum practice...here's why :

1. Using cloth or other soft padding makes it impossible to feel the stroke on a real drum head. You cannot get the real feel of hitting a drum head, using it's dynamics and nuances so important to your overall drum sound. This also applies to electronic drums with rubberised surfaces.

2. While great for wrist development on single strokes, playing on noiseless padded surfaces means you cannot practice the important bounce techniques on a real surface...critical to your rolls and other rudiments.

3. It's one thing practising the motion of hitting a drum ....and quite another to hit it in a way to extract a good tone or sound out of it. Practising on soft padded surfaces will not give you the feel of playing real drums.

4. Everything about drumming is the way you delivery your strokes and the tone and dynamics you get from your playing. I just cannot see how you can achieve this from an artificially padded surface.

The only real solution is to either spend a small fortune soundproofing your practice room...or make arrangements to practice at a studio with drum set.

Tough huh ?
Yea I totally agree with Blofeld on this one. Many of my friends has invested in a e-Kit, which I haven't done so until now due to reasons (many of which Blofeld had stated).

In my opinion, unless a drummer uses the e-Kit as his main drumming kit for all performances, he/she who use it as the main practice kit will have many disadvantages. Which is why I would rather save money and investing in sound proof rooms instead.

However, after many attempts to searching for sound proof solutions and such, it seems to me that sound proofing a room might cost one to spend easily 10k, and that might not totally sound proof the room.

I've been hearing people using egg-trays as the base to sound proof the rooms. But will there be any disadvantages ? Or even how effective will egg trays be ?
For me, what i did was, I used those black industrial rubber mat (about 0.5 inch thick and place a piece of carpet/rug over it and placed by drum set on it - at least hoping that my neighbour downstairs dun find it too loud over their heads.

At the start, was really tempted to do down to check with the neighbours down my unit to see if it is too loud, but never have the courage (guess i better dun open the can of worms, jus act ignorance :p).

Started with using silent pad, but after awhile, slowly, piece by piece i started to remove, cos dun find the shiok'ness of hitting on the pad. :p

Of cse play with moderate strength lor.. so far so good.. Sometimes, i am really wondering, are my neighbours really damn nice? or are their endurance damn good.. hee. of cse i hope is the former....

hahah, I want thoese kinda neighbours. Yea I agree cloth sucks but bo pien...... :( Its not like i gotta choice I cant really improve my drumming only double bass now. Its very hard to proper strokes cause when I hit the cloth my sticks pick them up some times. Then Cymbals also jilat scared to hit haha. Now all my cymbals R.I.P..... Thoese who got the same prob as me just use cloth ... Cheaper then sound proofing. I wanna Put my drums In warehse space but all damn ex.... Some More got maintanice... Haha. Anybody wanna share small Factory space or warehse space? LOL... If there is anyone just PM me haah. Make a placce for drummers with no Kit to practise haha :)
I've been hearing people using egg-trays as the base to sound proof the rooms. But will there be any disadvantages ? Or even how effective will egg trays be ?

There are 2 different objectives of soundproofing.

The obvious one is to prevent sound from getting out of or into the room

The other one is to cut down internal echo and reverb caused by room geometry and hard surfaces.

The use of egg cases or acoustical foamserves the second objective. But to prevent or cut down noise transmission, you need thicker material barrier, preferably with an air gap between partitions. Brick and insulated panels are the usual materials adding to weight and costs. Transmission through the floor and ceiling is also a problem. There fore to completely soundproof a small bedroom can set you back $20K no frills.
20k for sound proofing is way out of my budget :(

I guess I'd have to make do with the 2nd option of using egg trays and acoustic foams. Any idea how much noise can it cancel in terms of percentage ? I also believe that using egg trays and acoustic foams would probably not improve the sound acoustics of the room, right ?
theres some budget soundproofing thingy over at penin! check it out.

i just bought a pearl forum myself few days back. gotta admit its really really loud. but i guess only one or 2 of my neighbours will really get annoyed. (those beside my house). and for the stomping of bass drum pedal, i've got no problem for that. cause i stay on the 2nd level :mrgreen:. but still i wanna buy some jelly thingy i saw from my friend's place, whose brother own a rythem traveller. he has this jelly thing when you put on the drums and cymbal it reduces the sound as lesser vibation is alloweed. bbut no idea where to get that. :rolleyes:

20k for sound proofing is way out of my budget :(

I guess I'd have to make do with the 2nd option of using egg trays and acoustic foams. Any idea how much noise can it cancel in terms of percentage ? I also believe that using egg trays and acoustic foams would probably not improve the sound acoustics of the room, right ?

Eggshells and acoustical foam does not help much in stopping the noise from getting out to you neighbours. Not even 10percent ! But if you are tight, then may I suggest you seal all the cracks in your windows and doors...use heavy curtains...and stick carpet tiles behind your door.
I might consider gettin one of this clearsonic panels since there's ample space in my room for it.


Anyone used it before ? And opinions on this product ?

I feel that it might be the best choice due to the fact that sound proofing the walls are going to be wasted in the event that I have to move to a new place as they cannot be used again after taking off from the walls ?

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