Drumming In HDB how to deal with "noise"

To add: DT knows that

I stay behind 2 Schools - The band will practice every Saturday - and it's really loud...alot of Newbies (maybe sec 1 or 2 student who just join the band) - so they dont know how to play well - just practicing...I will hear exactly what my neighbours will hear - - - - But if anyone complain - will the school be asked to stop practicing Music - they are the No.1 Bands in Singapore I think for Secondary Schools....No of course - so what's the difference here.

I was the 1st to buy a Drum Set - that rock (make alot of noise) for the 4 blocks around my vincinity. Then the opposite 2 blocks just directly opposite my block (very very near) have 2 new drummers who started out this hobby (I do not know who they are - or I will ask them to join DXS - then next time we all wack together hahahaha) wah I wicked man. They still play drums nowadays...but only in the morning and at the evening (they must be schooling) and stop at 6.30pm at most...I then take over at 7pm (after my work) till 9pm (usually only 1hr till 8pm when me wify is around - cause me wify is the law & so my neighbour loves her - talk law to her I die immediately - Whahahaha she is the law governing my home....see beh chai-lat.

But see - I've managed to inspire Drumming isn't it (younger drummers picking up this lovely noisy hobby) though I'm not a good drummer .... but that's Soft's DXS Slogan mah - "Inspired To Drum, Drumming To Inspire" - how to inspire lah if they cannot hear me drum har ? They hear me practice - they say to themselve "Wah tomorrow I also must practice lah" so it's a Merry-Go-Round Kinda Inspiration, which I think my neighbour still curse us till today. .... but, which is in line with our government today's objective to promote Arts...and Music is one form of Arts.

Correct or Not Bros/Sis?

PS: - This is a very good Thread - study it and memorise it - can come in handy when complains comes in .... if forget - tell the Policeman to wait 1st, switch on your computer , go to www.soft.com.sg, click Drums & Percussion, click How To Drum, open this thread - "Drumming In HDB how to deal with "noise" - then tell Policeman ----- OK now we talk...Kekekeke !
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wahahahahahaa not bad eri.c.. altho ur wify is the law, the law still allowed you to buy 5-6 drumset at home..... heehehe... i think when my time comes, wify will only allow one drumkit.... and maybe just one tiny pink camo one....
Can one lah - Tell you my Tactics...Everytime I buy a Kit - I wait till she is not around - eg fly off for a few days - Then when she came home saw the Kit (of course face black black liao) - but I will bring out a expensive gift for her and smile (then she feels a little angry still and find it funny funny) saying always like that one want to scould you but always make me paiseh- Then I say "What to do - I pay money liao how to return"....Next time I sell I make money - but in my mind - no way I'm selling..after a while she forgot liao.

The precedent is now laid down by me wify liao - Only 5 Kit Maximum (the lousy Tatics doen't work for me anymore liao now) - If I want another Kit - CAN but have to sell one kit away - she dont care how I managed this - just restrict to 5 Kit at Maximum - - - so now that I've 4(already sold-off the RT) I've room for another one more Kit....Kekekekeke !

Hehehehe use this lah - First you try to CONVINCE her, still cannot then CONFUSE here, then CON her (the 3C method) - at least can get away with 5Kits instead of one Kit....Kekekeke. 5Kit she say one not me mah. Hahahaha !

Boy - I hope she wont comes in to Soft.com
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haha ya man. But my area more sad case my neighbour bluff me say that drums is not allowed in HDB all other instruments can. ahaha, plus i drum at 1pm they complain i always stop by 5 haha.

So what i do now is put unwated clothes over my eq it works:) Eg. snare fold a shirt and put it above. Toms lay out old jeans over it. Cymbal cover with old shirt. Bass drum head is covered with 3 pillows one jeans one blanket alll arround it and a matress around it . hahah. Its not as good as real drums, but my main motive is to practise technique at home. so it works!

I hope this way of sound proffing works for softies... If u need more helppp just askkk dont be shy. I will explain in detail or take a picture :) haha.

When police come say its as good as playing mahjhong... shhh :P
Haha! Mahjong can sound like some rolls! LOL! :mrgreen:

Eric very fierce. Like Tyra Banks FIERCE. Take no bullshit arh! Work it!
how come suddenly tyra banks come into the pix??

eric bery good ah...... must learn from him...

see, i oredi learn.. bery bery.. hahaha
Tyra came into the picture 'coz she is all about being "fierce"!!!

Neighbors want to give you shit, GO FIERCE!
Police want to shut you down, GO FIERCE!
Wifey wants to shut you up, GO FIERCE!

Don't not be fooled. Fierce is a concept. It's not about raising your voice or being rude or anything. It's also not about biting people's head off. It's the aura and the vibe you emit. Oooommmm. *eyes narrowing* Fierce....

Mel80 is with me. He knows about "fierce"! :mrgreen::p
Lennat my dear sis, I'm really not like that one (Fierce) - but my many bad encounter with neighbours gave me the instinct to protect my Drums & me drumming mah.

Tell you one more story - happens last year. My opposite block (have a drummer too which I mentioned) ... one of the neighbours from that opposite block came over to my block in the afternoon 3pm (I was on half-day Leave that day) and drumming.) - She shouted at me (a young girl about 22 years old I guess) - " Can You Stop Playing Drums Now - It's Very Very Irritating - I'm Doing My MBA Do YOu Know That " - - -

You see, you see, Wah use MBA slap my face - SO what no big deal lah I had it 6 years ago liao (but I did'nt tell her that) - - - - But I was scarcastic...I said

Come In - tell me which of my drums should I stop Playing - I've 5 sets - so, I don't know which one irritated you, why not you come in - I play them one by one - and you tell me which one is irritating you - or I suggest why dont you call the police now ... Hahahahaha I laugh so loud and she was so piss-off till she doen't knows what to say. I continue to say your block has a drummer too what....and there are 3 drummers - I suggest you learn to accept this facts,the truth is that there are 3 of us drumming and that we have our rights

Hey Miss, now is there anything else - have a nice day (she is beautiful you know - if not I scould here liao worst) .... I continue to drum for the next one hour...and I've never seen her ever again since.

Aiyah thinking back (a little bit regret) - I should have give her my Hp No saying "Next time you just call me no need to walk over save time, - just say " Dear I'm studying lar, play later can? " - then I've her number too mah " Bring Her Yo Supper...kekekeke"...like that compromise better right - but I didn't thought of that ley that time - - - Ok you can use my this tactic lah. hahahaha !

Cheers !
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Wah! Haha! Your tactics are very good!

So far, no one want to stomp down my door and tell me to stop drumming. But if they do, I'd hide one corner in my room. I scared of confrontations, you know.

For me, I'm just too "nice" sometimes. Always let other people "bully" one. So I must be "fierce" next time. Need to emit more fierce vibe for myself. As in, you know, "you can reason with me, but don't bullshit me" that kind of stance. :cool:
Yes - who can bully our Sis Lennat....we will stand up for you one lah...all bring a snare to your home and wack all the way for an hour ... Kekekeke.

People come knocking at your door - We get Bro Alfie take out from Pastic Bag (sell ear-plugs) and saying "Here this is the solution to the problem, a little uncomfortable at 1st for a start but you will get use to it - it's cheap somemore - and here's my card " ... "the lady playing the drums "lennat" she is my Agent "... Whahahaha ! - The Brand is call "SUPER"..." SUPER QUITE" - and here is a sachet of free "Super Coffee" take one only please promotional period now...

Alfie hor

PS: - Oh I forgot to mentioned - I always open my Main-Door when I drum - dont close it at all hehehehe.
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wahhahaha i sell ear plug??? etymotic one... one block i think my sales chow chow got 200 pieces... WOW!!!!

lennat.... steady, emit "fierce" vibe when you play... like me emit "angry" vibe.... :lol:
yeah alfe.. we all saw you emit 'angry' vibe during the drum duel wif Jiv..

RD.. it's suppose to be 'SUPER QUIET'.. not 'QUITE'..
check out the spelling .. hee hee

and oh yeah.. i prefer ellen degeneres to tyra banks....
this thread is really a HDB-drummer's Guide to Enjoyable n Peaceful Drumming. Lucky i havent gotten any complaints/warnings so far.

I remember when i was moving the drumset into my home months ago, my neighbours seemed quite excited and happy for me. Surprisely, a couple in their 50s.

But i think so far partially because of controlling the volume of playing at home as well, it as helped.

On a side note, all i did to my room is hang up curtains all arnd the room. On 3 of my walls and 1 wall has a my full height wardrobe to it. Any other suggestions to dampen the sound in the room anyone ?

And on the kit,

BD - 1 pillow in it
Toms - O-rings
that's about all the muffling ive done to the kit.

PS : Does the foam thing from Ranking help much ? or any other suggestions ?

I close all my doors, windows and everything else turn on the aircon my neighbours on my floor dont complain one bit, only this aunty housewive came slamming on my door when i was halfway playing toxicity. you know that feeling when your into a song. and then you have to stop. my god. and the thing is i was playing in the AFTERNOON on a weekend. dude. seriously. wth. i called up hdb and they said they dont have anything regarding drumming. so guys what should i do?

a mysterious dissapearing neighbour after a break in would be one. hmm. :twisted:
Yesterday I just play 1/2 an hour (after so long never play ) - Police came up - peep through my window, stand at my gate - BUT.tttttttttttttttttt

Walk Away, NEVER QUESTION ME, NEVER SMILE TOO - NO NOTHING ! .... Guess it means OK.