with all due respect he only seems to have fast strokes with his feet and he is just spamming it throughout in the video and his consistency of the notes are not there. there are so many other techniques related to drumming that can be used tastefully and metal isn't the only music genre. why don't you reach the other extreme and listen to jazz for a change. you will know what it means to be more musical:)

Uhhhh.....like DUH, that vid was jus to showcase his speed, if u didnt notice.
heres one to a song

and enough rubbish about spamming, cuz this style of drumming definately fits e music

No disrespect, but i do think this guy deserves to be appreciated due to his skill and ability to make a song 100 times moer awesome with hsi drums, i know jazz drumming is also difficult with all those time sig and whatnot, i jus dig this type of drumming more :)
like i said. this is all opinion based. moreover the video that you posted makes no difference in my opinion about his drumming and even the guys on youtube have posted negative comments for some reason. also with speed comes the consistency and you didnt read my comment about that i guess. and i am not putting down this style of drumming. if you "dig" it good for you. OPINIONS vary my friend:)
well in my opinion the only thing "cool" about it is the speed of his feet. other than that the hands are only playing simple patterns not that this guy isn't good. he is fine but not to the extent of kicking another drummer's b***. just a shout out to all those metal fans out there. this is not the fist time i am coming across such guys. i have a suggestion....please listen to other genres of music and expose yourself to what other styles of playing other drummers are good at. you will really be surprised. well take myself for example. i started off listening to Lamb of God and was a serious metal head. now i listen to Dave Weckl and Dennis Chambers to name a few. from metal to jazz fusion. not to say metal is not good or anything like that. the idea is to break out of the little box and explore the outside world. trust me that is what makes the difference. if any metal heads want to flame me now go ahead. like i said i am not putting down metal:)

Dude relax man.I didnt say he was better than anyone.Just very ball kicking.If you can play better than him then I'll take back my words.

Creative stuff.Kicks any drummer's ball.

actually not true. if you actually talk to people who've been in US or know about their scene there, they'll tell you that almost all the drummers there can play this stuff or even better. just berklee alone has many such drummer there, let alone bedroom drummers, garage bands, pub musicians, etc..it's nothing really ball-kicking about this anyway...maybe just most Singaporean drummers'..

oh and i think drumbassador can play as good as, if not better than him..haha.
Here is the thing. i cannot play metal as fast as him. i am not a metal drummer but rather a fusion drummer mostly. i rarely play metal and therefore my double pedal's single or double strokes are not as fast because the styles of which i play like jazz, latin and funk for example mostly do not need such speeds on the pedals. Also, i use single pedals for soloing concepts and stuff. Moreover i can safely say that i have more than enough knowledge about drumming to make the judgment about the video and like i said it is just an opinion and therefore, if your opinion differs then that is how it is. there is no right or wrong when it comes to music. it depends on what people think is nice and what is not.
i'd say that drumming is like art.
how creative someone's artwork is, is subjective.

have you ever seen those messy paintings that sell for lots of money? I bet in your head you were thinking, "This is art?"

well, drumming is an art.
drumbassador, actually fusion and jazz (see: fast swing) requires speeds probably as fast as metal just that it's used very sparingly and not throughout the entire song as in metal. and during drum solos the speed thing is usually used quite a bit..so yea..
yea that's true. my double pedals cant go so fast but my hands and my doubles on a single pedal are fast enough to solo at faster tempos for such genres. what styles do you major in?
Words from the wise: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmRaIIm5EoA

R.I.P Jim

To those who think speed and slamming is everything, go get the book by "Advanced Techniques for the Modern Drummer by Jim Chapin", which is the number 3 book in the Modern Drummer’s list of 25 Greatest Drum Books. This book is written in 1940 and the techniques and exercises in there can still trip the drummers of today.

Or get the No. 1 and 2 book: Stick Control by George L. Stone and Syncopation by Ted Reed ...

... and play the exercises at moderate tempo and see how difficult and tripping it is.

Incidentally, the 3 books mentioned today are the bible of most respected drummers and drum instructors today.

As I have told many drummers in this forum and others: Play the music NOT the instrument.
As I have told many drummers in this forum and others: Play the music NOT the instrument.

I dont mean it literally. I meant it figuratively :)

BTW: I am sure some of us know the great piano and/or sax player who can drum up a decent melody behind a drumset. They may not have the greatest licks or chops or hold the sticks right but they sure know how to play the drums to a tune, keep perfect time and fill in the whitespaces properly.

I know many drummers (probably a lot more than the above) who can kick up and drum up a good 300 BPM storm but have no idea what to do behind a drumkit to play to a tune and accompanying the double bass, keys or horn, each limb supporting each instrument.

I am constantly amazed at how many drummers spent so *ALL THEIR* time behind the bass and/or snare and spend so much time working on getting it up-to-speed where I feel that some time should be spent on listening to music and knowing when to enter and how to exit.

There is of course nothing wrong with the former but time should be spent on listening and playing to the music. I am serious, there are a couple of young people I know who has spent 18 months just working to 300 BPM but never has a tune in their mind to play to and there seemed no intend to. I dunno - maybe it is just me.

This brings me to a famous quote by Mr Dennis Chambers in one of his master clinics where someone asked him how to do a one-handed drum roll. Without even battling an eyelid, he replied: "Show me a tune which will and must use a one-handed drum roll and I will teach you how to do it ..."

Unless, of course, you are a hardcore snare-line drummer. In the end, I believe we all want to play to the music and be muscians, right ? Being a drummer is just another mean to that end.

That is what I meant figuratively ... and I am sure you understand my point :)
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