This is actually done by triple pedal...check tat out in youtube....bt IMO,fastest drummer are the 2 tim, Tim Yeung and Tim Watterson...check them out....
true. young drummers think that having endorsements of their favorite brands are awesome. well, certainly it is but with great endorsements come great responsiblities....hmmm i wonder where i heard that...lol
Are you serving in MDC now? I was in the same batch as Vick! Major Tay just met me in my office few weeks back. I should be heading over for reservist soon too! It'll be great to see Sumardy again!

As for the endorsement topic.....like Vick said, good and bad! If you play in local clubs for example, it will be a real pain since the culture here is very different from let's say the U.S. where drummers generally have to lug their kits around. Here, every club that provides live entertainment has their own house kit and there is always a chance where the house kit is not your endorsed brand. Besides, I don't think any house engineer will be willing to accommodate you bringing in your own kit.

However, if you don't usually play in local clubs but events, functions, festivals, concerts etc. things would be different. You have the flexibility of bringing your own kit and setup. Plus point would be you will always have the sound and setup you like. In this case, you can also get heaps of product support from your company in terms of indenting equipments, discounts etc....
Haha yea im currently the drummer and percussionist there for the combo band. i met vick the first time when i was still a recruit. taught me loads of things about the drumming scene. when i auditioned and got in, i learned a lot from Sumardy and Stephen too. great guys. when will you be heading to MDC for reservist? haha anyway thanks for the great info about endorsement. planning to apply for one after i ORD.

P.S. I heard Mattheus is currently under your tutelage at the music lab;)
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buddy rich was way past his prime at the end of his career. you his one handed roll simply became the gravity roll now. listen to cyptopsy, amazing hyperblasts. thats speed redefined. not jojo mayer
Style differences

The thing about most drummers that i come across is that they listen to a certain drummer that they like and that drummer somehow becomes the best drummer in the world to them. this is okay but you have to consider the fact that there is no such thing as the best drummer. the furthest you can go is "One of the best". even then you need to define the style of drumming you are comparing. in my opinion you cant compare buddy rich with jojo mayer. you are comparing a jazz pioneer with a drum & bass legend. basically jojo mayer cant play certain things buddy rich can and vice versa. if you are comparing their speeds then how about the world record holder Mike Mangini? we must make informed judgements about certain things even if we tend to be biased towards something else.
Haha yea im currently the drummer and percussionist there for the combo band. i met vick the first time when i was still a recruit. taught me loads of things about the drumming scene. when i auditioned and got in, i learned a lot from Sumardy and Stephen too. great guys. when will you be heading to MDC for reservist? haha anyway thanks for the great info about endorsement. planning to apply for one after i ORD.

P.S. I heard Mattheus is currently under your tutelage at the music lab;)

Yup, Sumardy is a great guy....

I haven't got my letter yet...so dunno exactly when. And yes, am teaching Mattheus now but I haven't been seeing him much recently cos I have been really busy with gigs but should be seeing him later today!! Hope he practiced!
Oh trust me....I am definitely giving him new material...since you are there at MDC, and you probably see him a whole lot more than I do, might be a good idea to voice out to him about his poor practice routine? Just like how sumardy & vic gives you guidance...give Matheus some guidance too as a more experienced drummer. I'm sure that'll help him heaps...
fastest drummer

Buddy Rich is d greatest drummer ever, period.! until now, Im still trying 2 find 1 who could tapau him, but couldn't...

not really.. mike mangini is proven to be the fastest drummer already.mike mangini used to be in extreme and is currently with steve vai i think. he had a world record for fastest single strokes in a minute..anyway drumming isnt abotu speed.
Oh trust me....I am definitely giving him new material...since you are there at MDC, and you probably see him a whole lot more than I do, might be a good idea to voice out to him about his poor practice routine? Just like how sumardy & vic gives you guidance...give Matheus some guidance too as a more experienced drummer. I'm sure that'll help him heaps...

i do see him open out your exercise book to practice but he just plays what he feels like playing and somehow seems to be reading at the same time. he basically plays the same things over and over again. he has mastered his double strokes which i taught him how to when i entered mdc but other than that he doesn't practice. once i a while i show him a few fills and make him practice it. that's the best i can do:)

with all due respect he only seems to have fast strokes with his feet and he is just spamming it throughout in the video and his consistency of the notes are not there. there are so many other techniques related to drumming that can be used tastefully and metal isn't the only music genre. why don't you reach the other extreme and listen to jazz for a change. you will know what it means to be more musical:)
with all due respect he only seems to have fast strokes with his feet and he is just spamming it throughout in the video and his consistency of the notes are not there. there are so many other techniques related to drumming that can be used tastefully and metal isn't the only music genre. why don't you reach the other extreme and listen to jazz for a change. you will know what it means to be more musical:)

wow. george kollias isnt consistent? what have you been smoking?
i don't think u should use that tone on Drumbassador.

With all due respect, he knows a lot more about drums than you.
Sometimes, all metalheads can see and listen is metal.
That makes them very myopic and unaccepting.
i don't think u should use that tone on Drumbassador.

With all due respect, he knows a lot more about drums than you.
Sometimes, all metalheads can see and listen is metal.
That makes them very myopic and unaccepting.

why you taking everything so serious?
Hey guys there is no point arguing over petty issues. whatever that is being discussed about here is only a matter of opinions and everything is subjective. different people tend to slant towards different genres of music and sometimes they get so deep into it and they become biased towards it which is perfectly fine. music itself is subjective. you can like a certain genre or style of playing which i can completely despise but that does not matter because you are who you are and arguing about things like that will only bring us in circles. my aim here is to open up people to other genres of music because there are many genres out there that people do not listen to and they remain in this small world of theirs and think that it is all there is to music. moreover, thank you very much Vaiyen for speaking up for me but i believe that it may be a wrong judgment to say that I know more than alexi94 because we would never know how much he actually knows.i believe that there is always something that one drummer can learn from another regardless of the difference in the standard of their drumming. we are all here to learn from each other anyway. once again thank you.
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