Drum Lessons.

decided to put a little twist to my triplets practice. doing the RLL RLL, i can hear my 2nd left hand beat being considerably softer as the speed increases. so i did a LRL LRL with accenting on the first L...

tough as hell... i'm a noob!!! :oops:
Pulse_ironica said:
Lombardo, if your comming for this weeks lessons, do drop by vicfirth.com and check out the 5 strokes 6 strokes and 7strokes rudiments in thier educational section.

Vio, frummer and shread hows the practising comming along bros? if you guys need help just give me a call!

Thanks. My fren advise me to check out the site 2.

I hope i`ll have the time to practise if iam coming down this sat.

Dun wana turn up for lessons without doing any practising...

Right now, iam pract double n my usual RLL, LRR...
Vio said:
decided to put a little twist to my triplets practice. doing the RLL RLL, i can hear my 2nd left hand beat being considerably softer as the speed increases. so i did a LRL LRL with accenting on the first L...

tough as hell... i'm a noob!!! :oops:

hey vio.. try..RLL RLL RLL RLL

and do it on one go..start SLOW... without stopping accenting on one of each.... group..after which.. you should increase speed gradually..
Hey guys, for those who were expecting me last saturday, forgive me because some last minute stuff cropped up. :lol:

Anyway, is there still space for one more guy? I'm free this saturday and would like to join in! :D
thanks brandon~ hey haven't caught up with you in a while since June street festival.

u popping by on sat?
Okie, sweet! il see you guys on saturday then.

Exercises for your left hand.

RLL <- Works best for strengthening you left hand.

Also with a metronome try to play constant 16th notes with your left hand. start slow mabye about 80bpm. when you feel comfy gradually increase the speed.

Vio the best way to think about 5 strokes is if you follow the triplet motion.

The caps letters are Accented beats.
Rlr Lrl Rlr Lrl

Rllrr Lrrll Rllrr Lrrll

As you can see, it just boils down to doubling the inbetweens. practise this one with metronome dude.

Looking forward to see wired and lombardo on saturday! Cheers guys!
Vio said:
thanks brandon~ hey haven't caught up with you in a while since June street festival.

u popping by on sat?

cant lar..got rehearsals.. might just pop.by one of the days where i aint got no rehearsals... :wink:
i just saw another killer drummer play today...

8O 8O 8O

ok my left hand MUST wake up... MUST!! I'll amputate it off if i can't do double strokes at 400bmp by november. :evil:

ok... exaggerate. :roll:
Don't assume he can't. Or rather don't give off a tone that makes you sound like you assume he can't.

Playing fast is an achievement, though a lot less celebrated than making music. Doesn't make it any less grand.
play rhythms to a click... i'm not perfectly in time. i would say i'm at 80% in time, which means to say about every 4 measures later i would begin to go slightly off time and the click can be heard.

hey while on this subject...

i noticed that to be totally focused on keeping time, i really have to concentrate 100% on the timing. till a point where i don't really "flow" but the music sounds like its in the pocket... so its kinda groovy. oxymoron isn't it?

anybody experienced the same thing?
oh i know how u feel man, happens to me sometimes. it helps when i just have like acouple of hours to spend and just play anything to a certain tempo, yesterday was 120 day so i just spend the whole day playing it 120 bpm. hope this helps man.
funkified-dude get the stick out of ur ass, exactly wat tone can u get from a line of words? u heard the tone of my voice? u saw my facial expression? well hey if u think i'm giving off a bad tone.......gee i really dun give a ...........

You're over-reacting. I just don't like it when it sounds like someone downplays speed, whether it was intentional or not.