Drum Lessons.

ahahaha karen law......i prefer miss jansen if u remember. well cld be that melvin i duno man, he use to fight with harry pok quite abit ahahahah. hey does ur dad still do the charlie thing anymore?
oh yeah miss jensen..still got miss irene *something* yah....? hehehehe..LOL!!

whatchya doing now anyway..??
miss irene .....ahah can't remember that one, man were we sick little boys or wat.
i'm learning drums over herein australia, getting my ass kicked ard like a football alot man.
wat abt u?
im playing nights here and doin some other stuff here as well.. more info and updates..check out.. www.brandonkhoo.com

learning drums at australia..? my gawd.. mellbourne.?

at DRUMTEK..? www.drumtek.com.au

been there quite a couple of times..man..that place is happening.. melbourne.. yeah \m/

intending to head there for a while..in the near future.. for my drum retreat..hehehehhehe :wink:
drumtek? sounds interesting man, no not so high class i'm in this small town called lismore in NSW near byron bay and nimbin. southern cross uni, dude i'm sure u cld head to berkley if u wanted to man. i was thinking of doing maybe a yr at drummers collective after this but man cash will be a problem lar. i'd go check out this drumtek thingy, just got to know this gy called alvin that was doing drum in monash. we all shld get together or something. maybe a st mike's reunion ahahaha.....but then karen law wld prob be old and unattractive already
go for a full three year thingy..dont go for..those 6 months crash course thingy..its a waste of time and money..

the full year package thingy..\m/

always believe esp in music and arts... you pay peanuts..you get monkeys.

alvin..is it alvin tan..?

hey.... give credit to karen law..man!! she motivated some of us to go to school.. there was a motivation to go to school..even if it was for a glance..we were all happy to see her now werent we...?

and we werent scared to ask her questions..b'cos... we could go up to her... and ask her questions..while she was sitting down..on the teachers table..yeah...? can excersise eye power..!!


thats why we all did sooo well in school..!!! cos we ASK questions..we wanted to know, we were hungry for knowledge.!! LOL!!

well i dunno abt u but u but it sure wasn't knowledge i was after when i went to see miss law ahahah. i met that cornila guy when they came to our sch to do a photo shoot for the terrtiary percussion schs. he's son can rip it man! hey man msn is wazzatat@hotmail.com we talk more, i feel exposed talking in the open like this. me a shy bitche.....
practice practice practice...



*slap left-hand vehemently* WAKE UP WAKE UP!!!
hahahahahaha...enjoy the lesson lombardo... :wink:

i want..i want to go..but cannot lar..got rehearsals... :wink:
go for a full three year thingy..dont go for..those 6 months crash course thingy..its a waste of time and money..

the full year package thingy..\m/

always believe esp in music and arts... you pay peanuts..you get monkeys.

Just wanna ask, what is the general consensus u guys have about the undergraduate music programs at LaSalle? Of course Berklee would be the dream destination for many, but unfortunately, it's pretty expensive even when you're exempted from their general education modules (minus 2 yrs).

bklk: Is the EIC still playing at wala after Gabriel left? Your erotomania video was nice! :wink:
FYI, The GE classes at Berklee are equivalent to 1 yr, not 2 yrs..
and even if you have "A"-levels, you would be lucky to get a few points transferred...
FYI, The GE classes at Berklee are equivalent to 1 yr, not 2 yrs..
and even if you have "A"-levels, you would be lucky to get a few points transferred...

Thanks rimshot, I always thought it was 2 yrs of GE! :) I meant gng in for a second degree in music, like what Corrine May did... Even with wadever exemptions, it's still gng to cost a bomb in tuition fees.

So considering that, is Lasalle a cheaper but reasonable alternative?
ok guys,

so this weeks leesons will be

Shread 5, frummer, vio, lombardo?

theres still room for one more for this group!

Carpe Diem
Lombardo, if your comming for this weeks lessons, do drop by vicfirth.com and check out the 5 strokes 6 strokes and 7strokes rudiments in thier educational section.

Vio, frummer and shread hows the practising comming along bros? if you guys need help just give me a call!
Vio said:
the bloody 5 stroke and 7 stroke is killing me!!! DAMN IT!!!! :evil:

sitck to all these 5, 7, 9, stroke rolls..etc vio..it really opens up another window to your playing..work hard at it... and it will pay off..!! :wink:

trust me...!!

can someone tell me what will we learn in the three 3 year course thinge and the 6 mths crash course.