Drum Lessons.

eh Mr. Unexpected dun disturb disturb!! :lol: :lol:

if you do come down that'll be fun man! haven't seen u in a while.
Pulse_ironica will be in a great shock if he finds out who is this "bklk"

to bklk, u r always welcome at my place....
by the way how's Portnoy??
he is ok...in good health ..not much happening.. will be teching for him next tour..!! :wink:
Vio said:
eh Mr. Unexpected dun disturb disturb!! :lol: :lol:

if you do come down that'll be fun man! haven't seen u in a while.

yo vio.. its unexpected with an 'X'... mean its spelt .. "unXpected"

but its aite.. a lot of people still get it wrong..heheheheh! :wink:
hey brandon, hows it going? dunno if u remember me but we had chinese class long ago at ur last yr at st mike's. u were huge and scared the shit out of us

bklk said:
Vio said:
eh Mr. Unexpected dun disturb disturb!! :lol: :lol:

if you do come down that'll be fun man! haven't seen u in a while.

yo vio.. its unexpected with an 'X'... mean its spelt .. "unXpected"

but its aite.. a lot of people still get it wrong..heheheheh! :wink:

bklk, ur unXepected band needs a male vocalist or not???
heheh i can sing like Jon Bon Jovi, even better.....

hehehehe :supz: :supz: :smt026 :smt026 :smt026
grain the man, his studio rocks ass, and he loaned me his pedals, i love grain and you should too.. haha.

Frummer, il bring notes for the next lesson! cheers man!
blurred said:
hey brandon, hows it going? dunno if u remember me but we had chinese class long ago at ur last yr at st mike's. u were huge and scared the shit out of us

LOL..shit man..!! really...?? heh..!! *breaks into school song* "all through our colleage, the voices resounding... " hehehehehe!!

wemt to monkshill after st' mike's and then the 2nd half got transfered to st' pats.

where did you go after st' mikes...

i bet its either st' joseph or st' patricks..!! hehehehe!!

er.....it would help if you would tell me your name.. or unless it says on your IC..blurred..LOL

I recently met.. julian chua.. dont know if you remember him..but i always copy the answers for the chinese exam papers from him..hehehehehe!!

its amazing how i still manage to fail chinese..!! LOL

come down to wala one of these days and we'll catch up man..

Pulse_ironica said:
grain the man, his studio rocks ass, and he loaned me his pedals, i love grain and you should too.. haha.

Frummer, il bring notes for the next lesson! cheers man!

yay...izit in taugeh!?

i luv taugehs :D
haha, julian, isn't he in law sch? u went st pat's ahahah, i went to mayflower neighbourhood sch. sure man i get back to s'pore late nov. u remember andre huber? saw him in melbourne didn't recognise me though.
LOL!! hahhahahha..!! you still havent told me your name..

andre huber..?? hmmm... must see face..

anyways regarding.. ol st'mike mates not recognizing you/us...just get in front of their face..and proudly break into the school song.... singing proudly.. *all through our colleage.... our voices resounding...* im sure it will sorta ring a bell...if not ..hit them on the head..and say : ST MICHEALS LAAAR... or KAREN LAW!! :lol:
oh man i remember Karen Law, remember that crazy ass guy Melvin? he ran naked ard the basketball court and use to fight with teachers. we've met from time to time, just hi bye kinda thing.

regards mark chan
YEAH..everybody remembers Karen Law.. hehehehe!!!

melvin..which melvin are you refering to ... cos i still talk to a melvin from st mikes.. te description you gave of this melvin..sounds like him though!!